Chapter 14 ~ A new life?

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*****Robin and Kid Flash*****

Robin shakily got up, still laughing. "Robin? " KF asked in a worried tone. Dick continued to laugh then ran off "God he's lost it, how far has joker pushed him?" Kid flash whispered as he pulleddown his goggles then ran after him.

Robin ran as quick as he could but KF was on him in seconds. "Gotcha!" he breathed then Robin began to struggle more.

"Get off me" he spat in a scarily fierce voice. Wally got up but didn't let go of him. "Your going nowhere"

Robin huffed, then yanked his arm from kid flashes, then ran for the trees, "Sorry about this kid, but I have to go!" he then scaled up the tree and swung into the darkness.

The speedster rolled his eyes and called Batman.

"Hello?" a gruff voice asked.

"Hey Bats, its me KF, urm we may have a problem"

"What? Did you find him? is he ok?"

"Urm yeah I found him but he may be... a little... ugh how do I put this, mentally challenged? "

"I'll be right over" then he hung up.

"Mentally challenged, huh? Well thats a first!" Robin smirked leaping infront of Kid Flash.

"Urm, yeah... look dude you've got to snap out of this!"

"Or what? I'm sorry dude but its time for the bird to fly-"

"Not if someone clips its wings" A deep voice said.

Robin cringed then saw the bat, Im dead, god what was I thinking? What do I do... can't run, kid will catch me straight away, playing dumb will get me in deeper trouble so that leaves... trees, but what if joker- no, one problem at a time, now whats the one place that will take me in...

(This convocation is between Batman and Robin then kf speaks ;) )

"Robin, stand down" Robin backed away.

"No, I can't, you'll just take me back to the team, they hate me, you hate me, whats the point"

"Robin, don't do this" he said between gritted teeth.

"Sorry Bats, no point stopping now, nothing good will come from it"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you will just take me to Arkham, I'll either be locked up or be treated like a criminal for the rest of my life, ill be taken away from you and adoptedby some random people, im not going through that, sorry but I just can't, I'd rather die trying to get away than live like that-"

"You mean you'd rather die a villain than die a hero that made a mistake-"

"A hero that was a sidekick, killed, kidnapped, robbed, blew up a car and truck, drove without a licence, drove underage and over the speed limit, ran from the law, the list goes on, im no hero"

"Your no villain either" Kid Flash whispered.

"No, im a nobody, just foget me and move on with your lives"

"How, Robin, we cant just simply foget you!" Kid Flash argued.

"Cry me a river, build a bridge then get over it, you won't miss me soon as it hits you"

"What hits me?" Kid flash asked.

"The truth, reality, your hoping this is a dream, well its not, nor a nightmare, its life, just get on with yours and leave me to sort out mine" Robin said in a rather harsh tone.

He then turned around. "You never know, we may bumb into each other some time" then he ran towards the nearest tree and ran up then pulled himself up. He front flipped to the next branch then lept to the next, and just like that, he was gone.


Robin swung through the trees then climbed up to the top of the tree. He looked over the forest, if he went west, he would come to a town. He started on his way goping to get there soon.

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