Chapter 28~ caged bird

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Wally heard a light shuffling noise then a light breathing sound. If it weren't for him not being able to sleep then he would have missed it. There was then a light dragging sound and a slight sigh of relief.

Wally sat up to see Dick grasping the backpack which held his suit. "What you doing?"


Wally looked at Dick who was grinning awkwardly. "Dude, really?"


"Go back to sleep its 1:00"

"Fine" Dick then flopped onto his bed and fell asleep.

Wally stayed up for a while, to check Dick was definitely asleep, then fell back to sleep himself.

Later at 10:33AM

Wally yawned as he streatched and stood up, "Yo Dick! wake up dude, im hungry!"

"Mmph, feed ya self... fwoods in da kitchennnn" he mumbled.

"Dude! I can't just go and help myself!"

"Shut up Wally!" Dick moaned throwing a pillow at his friends face.

"Whatever" Wally smirked grabbing Dicks arm and yanking him from the bed. Dick landed with a loud bang and a groan.

"I hate you"

"Sorry, come on, food"

"No, five more mi-" Before Dick could finish he was scooped up and ran downstairs then thrown into a chair. "Wally" Dick moaned as the speedster darted around the kitchen.

Then there was the faint sound of footsteps and in came Alfred, "Ah, young master Wally" he smiled as the boy poured coco pops into a bowl.

He then poured in the milk and grabbed a spoon after reciving a glance from Dick.

He threw down the coco pops, barley taking time to chew, milk went over the floor dispite the fact he was using a spoon. "Wally" Dick huffed noticing Alfred grab a cloth. Soon as Wally was done he put the bowl away and followed Dick into the main room. Wally gave dick a questioning glance, since he had skipped breakfast. Did he always do that?

Dick then turned on the PS3 and went on some racing games with Wally, but Wally won every time since Dick wasnt even trying.

Eventually Wally had had enough and paused the game, Dick looked up from his slowched position and up to Wally. "Dude, were heading out"




"Dude, your more depressed than a cadged bird"

"Oh hahaha" Dick grumbled. Wally rolled his eyes and made Dick follow him to his room where Wally was pulling clothes from a duffle bag, Dick got changed in his room, Wally in the bathroom.

Wally was wearing a yellow shirt, red patchwork long sleeved shirt over it, jeans and red vans, Dick however wore his red hoodie with a black jacket over the top, black skinny jeans and black converse.

Soon as Dick was done he called "Kay, im done!" and then Wally burst in. "You know, Bruce will kill us if he knows were going out the house"

"Meh, never told me that" KF smirked high fiving Dick.

"Kay lets go" they then proceded to sneak out.

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