Chapter 10 - trouble

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He staggered away from the now-on-fire car and truck. He ran grasping his  shoulder painfully and came to a dark murky alley way. He slid down the slimy brick wall and slumped down in the shadows, covering himself with his black and yellow cape.

He then looked through his domino eye mask at his shoulder, the bullet had gone in deep, too deep to get out on his own. He winced then huffed as more blood swam out. He then looked up at the sky, the sun was just going down, his past team mates could be out for another few hours, maybe all night.

Robin got up knowing he was way too easy to spot in these clothes. He was practically a trafic light, and traffic lights were ment to be seen, Robin wasn't. He walked to the park and attempted to climb a tree. He tried his best to ignore his shoulder and managed to get onto a big-ish branch, he then lay down and braught his cape around him then tried to fall asleep.

*****Young Justice*****

"What do you mean Superboy?" Artmis asked in a I-really-dont-belive you tone.

" I meen he has lost it, hes insane" he huffed.

"and he laughed?" Aqualad asked.


"He needs help, we can't arrest him, hell think were betraying him" M'gann said.

"Ha! Us betraying him?"

"Technically we can arrest him, hes ran from the police, stoled, damaged property, kidnapped someone, helped the joker, ran away from the law and put innocent people indanger as well as speeding and driving without a licence" Kid flash said. "And all within the space of two weeks and three days" he finished.

"We've got to help him, do you think hes gone back to the joker?" Artemis asked.

"No, I think hes excaped now, he just did all of that out of panicking" Superboy said.

"Og, so you suddenly take his side?!? what now? You have a plan?!?" Kid asked.

"We find him, then we help" Aqualad said

"Jesus, how do you expect us to do that, sounds so hard!" KF said sarcastically,

then they spilt up to search for him.


I ran as fast as I could but I wasn't going anywhere, the Joker then walked towards me but I couldn't move, then the team came, they put the Joker in handcuffs and I said thanks but they put me in them too. I struggled but they just took me to arkham.

I looked around my cell and on the outside was my team laughing at me, I turned around and out of nowhere came Joker. He picked me up and threw me into a wall. I seemed to be falling forever...

*thud* Robin woke up on the grassy floor, his arm was killing now. He slowly got up trying not to trip over.

He carefully walked across the park and then there was a rustle. Robin lept around around ready for anything "Riddle me this bird brain, where must you go to have fun, see funny things and funny people, yet witness a tradegy?" a voice asked. Robin thaught, "Well boy blunder? What is the answer?"

Dick Grayson thaught, "The circus" he answered quietly.

"Correct!" The voice smiled as a man dressed in green, purple, white and black stepped out spinning a kane.

Robin smirked slightly at the sight of the riddler, "Ah, so you finially realised onsies wernt cool?" Robin asked.

Riddler scowled then tugged on his blazer "I have you know it wasnt a onsie"

"Whatever, ehy are you here? "

"Money, Jokers offering a price of £50.000 for you alive £25.000 dead, I don't care much either way but I guess the saying less is more isn't always true" he smiled. Danm, if joker is paying that much then everyone wil be after me... including batman the team and possibly the justice leugue, but theh wouldnt try that hard to get me back... would they? i guess with my hacking and fighting and acrobatic past i will be on thair list of things to do Robin thaught backing away.

"Urm, im so sorry but Im busy today, maybe tomorrow?" He asked getting ready to fight.

"Your not going anywhere" Riddler spat.

"what makes you think im leaving?" Robin grinned.

"This..."Riddler smiled as Bane, killer kroc, poison ivy, cat woman and a load of henchmen appeared.

"Oh..." robin trailed off. Riddler smirked at they charged, but the last thing Robin was going to do was run.

Poison ivy ran at him, killer kroc came from behind. Robin luckily knew this so he lept up and the two collided. He then lept back, jumped on then off Banes shoulder and kicked Catwoman in the face. Robin laughed as he dodgded poison ivys plants and planted a kick at henchmen as they passed. Robin was taking down his enemys quicker than he expected, but felt worried and afraid, mainly because Bane was still standing. He would be hard to take down, batman one told him to aim for the venom cables because it'll lower his power. Robin then recived a sharp pain to his side snapping him back to reality.

Another was planted to his shoulder causing him to wince quietly. then he felt two big rough hands grab his arm and throw him into a tree. his side hit the bark hard but he didn't have time to get up because a metal object hit his leg, riddlers cane.

Robin looked up and was met by many grinning faces. He tried to get up but a black shoe kicked his shoulder forcing him down. "We don't have to give him to Joker you know, we could keep him, bribe the bat" Cat woman smirked. The team nodded and Bane picked up Robin by his cape. Robin struggled and was punched in the jaw, hard.

Bane slung the boy wonder over his shoulder and followed the others to there current base. Robin lokked up, an old ware house. Dim orange lights lit the room and a table in the middle with seats around it, two were occupied by Scarcrow and two face. "You got him then" Scarcrow said.

Robin scanned the room, no excape apart from the entrance. Bane then threw him across the room and he rolled over before slaming into a wall.

Robin got up slowly but was pinned down almost immediately. "So what do we do?"

"First Harvey, we go on a crime spree and if Batman tries to arrest one of us we'll say that we will kill his bird, to prove it before we go we can tie robin to a chair infront of the table and set a camera on it, we can then video call him to see his precious bird" Ivy explained.

"Ivy you can't video chat on the camera we have, we'll have to use a laptop or phone" Cat woman purred. They nodded then pushed Robin into a chair, he stood up but was pushed back down and punched in the chest. They tied him up tight then set the laptop down and set off leaving bane and Riddler behind to make sure Robin doesn't leave...

AN. so good bad? Anything I can inprove on? ive tried to add more detail so hopefully you noticed x

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