Chapter 27~ Sleepover

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Wally silently left the room leaving Dick to let his emotions get the better of him, he burst out in a fit of tears muttering quiet words every now and then. Wishing it would all go away.


Bruce Wayne walked away from the door, and straight to Alfred. "You know you should go easier on him sir, we dont know what hes been through"

"Yes but we need to snap him to sanity" then a voice came from behind Bruce.

"He is sane, he was faking it so the injustice league would follow him instead of going ahead with jokers plan to ambush the Young Justice, ask him yourself if you dont belive me. He told me he was losing sanity slowly but he had it controlled. Personally I belive him, he is still pretty crazy but he still has his plans. The only difference is that he is a bit more jumpy, happy and more risk taking" Wally nodded.


"Im leaving now, wheres the neerest Zeta tube?"

"No, you need to stay, for Dicks sake" Wally nodded almost unsure.

"Ok, for Dick, but Alfreds right,  you cant be this harsh, talk to him, for Dicks sake" Bruce nodded then walked towards his room, Wally, not knowing what to do, told Alfred he was going to nip home to grab some stuff then he would come back. Alfred agreed then got to making dinner.


Dick sat on the bed, back to the wall, knees drawn to his chest. He had his face buried in his arms which were carelessly slung over his knees. Bruce couldnt tell him what to do. Could he?

I mean, he was his adopted dad. Dick looked up at theposter opposite his bed.

His dad would tell him to be strong, his mum would say fly high little Robin Dick remembered all those moments they shared, then the team. Even M'gann would hate him now.

He then cast his mind to Bruce. He remembered the anger in his eyes. Dick stood up, noticing the bag. The one Wally braught. He quickly threw it ontop of his wardrobe where even alfred wont go. Hopefully.

Dick then wiped the tear stains away and grabbed a revision guide on science, since he had missed out on so much of school he would be extremely behind.

He read over particals, electrons, netrons and protons. Once he had it memorised he went to sleep, at 5:00PM.

At 7, he was awoken by Alfred telling him dinner was ready. Dick mumbled that he wasnt hungry, and , after a while of assuring Alfred he was ok, he left. Only to be replaced with the red head who had been here for a while now talking to Alfred and Bruce and eating his dinner.

Wally walked in and stood in front of Dick. "You OK?"

"Mhnndphc" he mumbled, rolled over and fell back asleep. Wally rolled his eyes and set out a sleeping bag. And, in minutes, he was out.

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