Chapter 37~ New begging

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*****Sky POV*****

I got into the car where a boy was sitting too, he had a hoodie on ad

aswell but the hood was down, his black hair was messed around his head and he looked ever so familiar.

"Hi... Sky, isn't it?"

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Nice, mine is Richard, but you can call me Dick" he smiled.

"Alright, so Dick, whats Bruce like?"

"He's nice, he listens well, gives good advise you know, that kind of stuff"

"Yeah... Anyway, why did you adopt me" I asked.

"Well, I guess Bruce wanted a daughter" He shrugged. I nodded.

"Kay, anyway, I guess were brother and sister now" I smiled.

"Yeah, I guess so" he grinned. It wasn't a normal happy grin though, it was one of those annoying lop sided grins, straight away I could tell he was a more happy go lucky type.

"So, Sky, how old are you?"

"13, what about you?"

"13 aswell" he grinned.

"Ha! that's awesome!" I laughed. Yup this was going to be great, he seems nice enough. I buckled myself in as Bruce gopped in the limo, the driver started the car and we set off.

"So Alfie, wanna say hi to Sky"

"Of course master Dick, hello Miss Sky, I hope your stay at Wayne mannor is pleasant"

"Thankyou" I smiled unsure of what the mans name was.

"Oh yeah, Sky this is Alfred our Butler" Dick grinned.

I smiled, Butler, that sounds so awesome! Man this was going to be so cool. The car sped down the road, my hood stayed up the whole time, not daring to move.

Soon as the car came to a stop in front of the house, I almost choked on my spit. It was huge. And this was my new home. My jaw dropped open and Dick laughed "That was my reaction to the place" he smirked. I nodded and Bruce got out and opened my door.

I pulled my bag out behind me and just stood there. "Wow... this place is huge, is this so cool!"

"I know right! Want to see your room?"

"Yeah, OK" I grinned and followed Dick into the house, I used this time to realise, like me he was quite short, neer enough the same height as me, maybe slightly taller.

"Ha! I just noticed something" he laughed turning to me.

"What?" I asked him.

"I'm taller than you!" he laughed.

"Exactly what I was just thinking!" I laughed aswell.

"Ha! Anyway, your room, lets go!" he laughed pulling me by my arm up the stairs and down a corridor. "OK, whats your favourite, blue or pink?"

"Blue" I grinned. He nodded and led me to a room with a white door. "Open it, this is your new room" he grinned.

I smiled and opened the door then walked in "Woah" I laughed slightly.

"Yeah, we are going to do you a propper room thats a bit bigger than this, and it'll be more personalised but for now you can have this one" he smiled.

"Its huge! What do you meen a biggr one?"

He shrugged, "If you saw Bruces room you'd be shocked, that's a massive room!" he laughed.

This room had dark blue walls and a double bed, it had a white wardrobe and desk and a chair aswell. "Well, do you want to unpack now or come downstairs with me?"

"Can we go downstairs?"

"Sure! What first, main room, kitchen, Gym-"

"Gym! you have a Gym"

"Well, its more of a work out room but yeah"

"Can we go there? "

"Sure!" he grinned leading me downstairs. We ran straightt down a corridor and into the workout room.

inside were weights, a trampoline, those gymnastic rings and those pole things that you swing on.

There was also a balancing beam. I grinned, "This is so cool!"

"Yeah, so what first?"

"Urm... whats your favourite Dick?"

"Urm probably the rings"

"can you show me what you do"

"Sure!" he smiled putting white chalk on his hands.

He lept up and held himself up then did some swings then front flipped off onto a small podium like thing. "Wow, that was... so cool!" I grinned.

"What can you do?" he asked me.

"Oh urm... I can do balancing beams and trampolines" I nodded.

"Go ahead" he smiled. I nodded walking to the beam, I quickly stretched my arms and legs then hopped on.

I cartwheeled then went into a handstand. Next I front flipped and handspringed into a standing position then front flipped off "Wow! That was amazing!" he said rather amazed. I smiled, "Yeah well I've been practicing for a while, plus you need those kind of skills to escape" Danm it, you've done it now Sky, he's bound to ask what.

"Escape? What from?"

"I'll tell you another day" I nodded. "Anyway, got any food, I know I shouldn't be asking but I haven't eaten since yesterdays breakfast! " I said.

"No its fine, we've got food, what do you like?"

"Can I just have an apple or something please?"

"Yeah sure, follow me" he smiled leading me to the kitchen.

Once there he walked to a fruit bowl "What do you want? Sure you don't want a sandwich or something?"

"No thanks, just an apple please"

"Red or green?"

"Green please"

"Alright" He then washed it under the tap and threw it at me, I caught it and smiled, "Thanks Dick"  I smiled then bit into the apple, Dick had a red one, he then led me to the main room.

"What shows do you like?"

"I barley watch tv, but I have once seen this show, it had this racoon and blue bird, and a talking angry gumball man"

"Haha! Is it something called regular show?"

"It wasn't very regular" I said.

"Meh, never is" He then put it on and we watched it.

At one point Alfred walked in with two plates explaing that we could eat on the sofa this once, the tea was a spaghetti bolagnaise. We watched the simpsons which was funny then, when it was done, Dick asked me what I liked to do in my free time. I could have said hacking systems, free running, parkour, hacking police systems to solve stuff, computers, and stuff but I said drawing.

Then he asked if I had any drawrings, I said they were in my room so he took me upstairs and I got my scetchpad from my bag. In there were scetches of cats that I had seen, birds and drawrings of people such as Miss Poole, Dorri a friend of mine who was murdered, and at the back, a life like scetch of my family but Dick didn't see that one since it was extremely special to me.

Dick then commented on how good my drawings were then left to bed, I got changed, finially taking my hood down and went to bed.

AN. I reallg hope you like this, I know this book is soposed to be mainly about Robin but this is just an idea I had and just had to do xx

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