Chapter 20

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Dick followed Haley into a cart and Haley sat in his seat, "Take a seat Grayson" Haley smiled. Dick nodded then sat in the seat, opposite Haley, desk inbetween them.

"So, whats happened?"

"Ugh, this could take a while"

"Ive got all day, throw it at me"

Dick nodded then started. "I... I have had... family issues, and have been... disobaying the rules" Dick half-lied "So I ran away and, I dont feel like going back yet, we had a big fall out, I just need to be away for a bit"

Haley nodded and smiled "OK"

"And theres something else..."


"Urm" Dick rubbed the back of his neck debating whether to tell him or not "Well,  I was wondering..."


"I would like to, possibly... maybe, continue with my... Flying Grayson act?"

Haleys eyes widened ever so slightly. "You sure?"

"Yeah, im sure"

"OK, you start can practice tomorrow"


"Your sleeping in the waggon, yours has a red door and is a red waggon with golden swirls, youll know it when you see it" Dick nodded then stood up.

"Thankyou Haley, I owe you one" he then left and went to his waggon. Yup, impossible to miss. He opened the door and looked around, a fairly small waggon.

There was the main room at the entery, it had a red carpet and cream walls, there was a red pull out sofa in the corner which would pull out into a single bed. There was a wooden table nailed to the floor in the center of the room and a chair beside it, Dick walked to another wooden door and there was a small hall.

In the first door to his right was a closet, the door to his left was a small bathroom with white and sky blue tiles, there was a toilet, shower, washing basket and finially a sink. Dick walked out the hall and back into the main room, linked onto the main room was a small kitchen.

The kitchen consisted of a work surface, oven with its four hobs, a few cupboards holding various foods such as soup and tinned peaches. there was a fridge holding juce and milk, another cupboard hoding plates, cups ect. a droor holding cookery (knives, spoons, forks, spatula ect), a microwave, a cupboard holding a pan, a kettte and a sink.

Dick smiled at all of this and pulled out a kettle, filled it with water then turned it on. He pulled a packet of noodles from the cupboard and tipped the contents into a pan.

Soon as the kettle called he calmly poared the water into the pan and turned the hob on. He went into the main room and turned on the tv. Then the news came on...

"Desprate searches for the 'boy wonder' are going all over Gotham, the police promise they have it under control and the Batman has shown signs of looking, no one has yet been harmed but many injered including a young hospital nurse who was pushed out the car by the maniac" Maniac, the word stung and Dick flinched, why maniac? Maybe it was true. Was he really a maniac? I mean, he never truley became insane... did he?

Richard walked back to the noodles, still listening to the tv it is said the boy ditched his suit for civilian clothing, he has recently been spotted in metopolis, this has been seen as such an issue that the Justice Leugue has been sent out to recive him. Rumors also say that few members of the Young Justice are splitting up to search for him. One of the members have refused to search, we intervewed him earlier and he said: "No, im not helping Robin, if he leaves, fine, if hes insane that's another issue for Batman"

"Jeez, thanks Supey" Dick frowned realising the whole Justice Leugue were angry with him. Dick gobbled up his noodles then fell asleep on the sofa.

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