Chapter 30~ New infomation

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A blonde darted through the croud, grasping a bag of new leggins, tops, jeans and a pair of vans and combat boots.

Her blonde ponytail swishing behind her as she ran, careful not to strike the boys attention.

She rushed up until she was a few meters away then cautiously walked up behind them. Then Dick sped up, since he'd heard another pair of footsteps following the pair.

Artemis began to run then suddenly the three were in a full on chase. Dick grabbed Wallys arm and darted out the center and down an alley. "Run!" He yelled, Wally then began to run at full speed as Dick lept onto his back and then they were gone. Artemis huffed. She would need to tell the team about this. Or would she? if Wally was helping him, did that meen Robin was good? Or was Wally just bad? Wally wouldn't betray the team, surley, but if he did... Well he may, but why? Of course he and Robin were close, but they wouldn't go against the league... or would they?

Artemis imagined the two, causing chaos. Not a nice immage, who next? Young Justice was slowly being torn appart Artemis ran to the neerest zeta tube, maybe M'gann can keep a secret?


Dick clung onto Wally desperately trying not to fall of as the speedster suddenly stopped, almost hitting a car. Dick grasped onto his shoulders as they bolted off, straight into Wayne Manors garden where Dick lept off as the two rolled across the grass.

They then stood up and snuck back into Dicks room. "Think she saw us?" Dick asked.

"Not a chance" Wally smirked as he slumped on Dicks bed. Dick took off his glasses and threw them onto his bednext to Wally.

"I hate those things" he mumbled.

"Yeah, they hide your pritty eyes!" Wally laughed as Dick play smacked his head, "Shut up ginger!" he smirked.

"Make me bird brains"

"As if I haven't heard that one before Wallace" Dick was now full on grinning.

"Whatever short stack"

"Kid flash? You should be Ketchup and Mustard boy!"

"Flappybird!" Wally laughed.

"Hippo" Dick smirked.

"Hippo? Me? how dare you, you little midget!" he laughed rubbing Dicks hair.

"Whatever! " Dick mumbled pushing him away and walked to his desk.

"Im really not going to be allowed back on the team am I?" he huffed.

"I dunno" Wally said quietly. "its almost dinner, you hungry?"


*****Batman at Mount Justice*****

Artemis soon joined the team in the cave, fully kitted ready for the mission breif. Megan, Superboy and Aqualad where stood infront of Batman and she joined them. "Today your mussion is to-"

"Look for KF and Robin?" Artemis asked.

"Not quite, I think I have a lead on why Joker formed the league, so im sending you all to both Metropolis and Gotham. Patrol the areas whilst Superman goes on a league mission."

"And you...?" Artemis asked rathr cockily

"I will be searching for Robin"

"Ok team, Superboy and miss M, you two are on Metropolis duty, Artemis, were going to Gotham" Aqua lad said,

"OK aqualad, you guys go, I need to talk to batman" The others nodded and Zeta'd out, exept Kaldur.

"Kaldur, I need to talk to Batman alone"

"You may be able to keep stuff from the team but im your leader, I would prefer you to tell me"

"Kaldur, leave" Batman said. Kaldur obayed and Batman got to the point.


"I saw Wally, and Robin"

"Where?" Batman asked, eyes widening under the cowl.

"Gotham shopping center, they ran off before I could confront them, I'm worried if Wally has joined Robin in... whatever hes up to"

"Hmm, im sure it wasnt them, dont tell the team, they'll abandon thair missions to look for them, I will search for them and we will find them"

Batman then left and Zeta'd to the Batcave where Alfred met him. He took of the cowl and sat at the Bat computer, pulling up various files which he had been recently using to find out why Joker wanted Robin.

It had to be more than just taking over the city... then he found it. Eyes widening, "Have you found anything sir?"

"Yes Alfred, I was right. They didn't just want Robin for the money or taking over Gotham, Cadmus are paying big money for him. Looks like they need him to... oh god, there going to Clone him, and use the original as a Test subject, there going to... no. I think there planning on killing him slowly and broadcasting it live to bring the young justice to thsir knees and make them slowly become insane then there going to kill them off to bring the whole league to its knees, But why Robin? They could have any member... ah! Says they need human DNA, for a new experiment. So I assume the clones must be fully human, andmaybe Robin was just easier that Artemis because they know more about him, and it looks like Cadmus has new workers aswell, the injustice mainly along with another few villains. Says they want him insane so they can manipulate his mind, they are willing to kill anyone who gets in the way, Alfred, do you think he knew about this? Is this why he ran away?" Bruce asked.

"Im not sure sir, but I do know we must keep him safe, we can't let those hooligans get him!" Alfred said sternly.

"I agree Alfred, but Artemis said he had been out again, with Cadmus and the injustice after him, I may have to place him under house arrest"

"That won't work Bruce" Dicks voice called from the stairs, "Joker knows im Dick Grayson and your Bruce Wayne, he'll be here in a few days, he'll just get me again, unless you have some crazy plan you can say goodbye" He huffed leaping down 5 steps and walking in, his wet hair clinging to his head from his shower which he just had.

"Alright, you may only leave if you are attacked. I'll be looking for Cadmus and the Injustice so I can shut them down, Tell Wally he can go back to the team, they need him, your staying at home and are practicing for school, your going back soon. Now im leaving, if you dare to follow your having a babysitter now go back to your room, I'll sort this out"

AN, probably my longest chapter yet, didn't know where to end it :P

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