Chapter 33~ Shock

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Dick ran straight to the computer and read what was on the screen. The words shocked him, they explained that this wasn't Cadmus's first kidnapping attempt on a certain person.

There was another going on, and sightings of a girl on the run around gotham, the girl had been last spotted in the main park around a week ago. Said she was an orphan.

Dick then realised he had to go to find her if he wanted to fully understand what was going on. But, doing that would mean he'd have to become Robin again, that would be disobeying Bruce's orders.

But he'd understand... wouldn't he? if he didn't then... no! Dick couldn't think about that right now. He had to go if he wanted to know why this was going on. He nodded, boy would he be in trouble after though.

Dick ran to his room and grabbed the bag, he got changed in the bathroom then snuck out the window without waking up Wally.

Once out the window he snuck out the gates and into the city of gotham. It was still light since it was only 10:00AM ish and Bruce shouldn't realise he's gone until around 12. Unless Wally tells him otherwise.

He moved his fingers around his gloves a bit as he ran into the shadows. He climbed up to a roof and waited till he heard commotion and a few gun fires. "Duty calls" he smirked running towards the noise, and there was a hooded figure, running towards him.

Since he/she wasn't lookincg where they were going, they ran into Robin and landed on his chest. She, definitely she Robin comfirmed as the fairly slim female lept of the boy and gripped her purple hoodie, black hair falling in her face which looked determined.

She immediately pulled Robin up and dragged him behind her as a group of men ran across the other roofs. "There assassins, after me for god knows why" The girl panted.

"And you are...?"

"Don't matter right now, we've gotta get out of here"

Robin raised an eyebrow under his mask. "What?" the girl asked.

"We need to fight them or they'll keep coming back"

"Kay, so, wanna stop running?" the girl laughed stopping.

"Yeah" Robin smirked joining her. There were about 10 guys running towards them, each one grinning as they saw the boy wonder, "Its Robin, get him and the girl! Boss will be happy" One laughed.

"You urm... know these guys"

"There after me too" Robin laughed awkwardly. Why were they after the girl too? Was she a certain bloodtype or something?

Robin shook his head, they could talk later, now they just need to make sure they don't get caught. Robin looked at the girl, eyes and top half of her face hidden by the hood and its shadow, hanging over her face.

Robin smirked slightly at this as she passed him a, questioning look. Robin then braught her back as the men advansed. "Can you fight?"

"Yeah! ive been devending myself from these waccos for years now!" She laughed. Once the men were close enough she darted towards the first man and front flipped over his head, Robins mouth widened as she kicked ones chest and dodged a swipe of a sword from another.

Robin then lept into action Kicking one and punching another. But then two pulled out guns and more wepons came out including bo-staffs and more swords and knives. Robin noticed the girls struggle so he made eye contact then threw her his escrima sticks.

She nodded in thanks and blocked a knife slash and another blow from a sword, she front flipped away from where a bullet was fired and hit a man around the back of his head with a escrima stick. He dropped down, his Bo-staff rollong along the floor.

"Hey bird boy, have ya sticks back, I've found a bigger toy!" she grinned throwing him the sticks and picking up thebo-staff, she span it around then darted off to the next unfortunate person.

She hit a man in his back, span around and hit another around the head. She then ducked a blow but was kicked in the back and knocked down. Robin was busy fighting two men, in total 4 were still standing  mainly thanks to the boy wonder.

The girl lifted the staff up as the man attempted to kick her down, he pushed his foot down on the staff as she struggled keeping it up. Robin noticed this but was to caught up in a fight.

The girl looked up at the man and used all of her strength to push up the staff and throw the man back she backflipped and handspringed up so she could block a blow and dodge the a bullet. She ran at the man and threw him down, kicking the side of his head knocking him clean out.

She then threw the staff down and ran at the next one and punched him down. She looked around, Dick had sorted the others. She paced over to Robin, Vans tapping on the concrete roof. "Told you I coupd fight wonder boy" she smirked.

Robin nodded, "Where did you learn those moves?"

"Why do you want to know wonder boy?" She asked smirking.

He scowled at the new name "At least say Robin"

"Whatever" she smirked. "Anyway, guys back at the orphanage will be waiting-"


"Yeah, I snuck out, I can't nesseserely go back incase the assassins follow me but ya know, don't wanna be homeless"

"Hmm... ok, well want me to walk you there?"

"I can take care of myself dude" she laughed running of the edge of the building and swung onto a pole then lept down and ran off.

Well she was danm familiar he thaught. but, she couldn't be her she's dead he thought sadly. He wished greatly she was alive, but she wasn't. Suddenly he was snapped from his thaughts when a dark shadow came over him.

"Robin, why are you out here and not at the cave?" a gruff voice asked.

"Oh right, well that girl... shes being chased too..."

"Yes, I know, your grounded... but, you'll still excape won't you?... OK, your back on Robin, but only when somebodys with you-"

"Can I talk to you at the cave?" Robin said rather quickly.

Batman raised an eyebrow but took the boy to the neerest zeta tube, and they were at the cave where Robin could finially ask the question that'd been on his mind for ages.

AN. OK that's the entery of my new character, what do you think? I can change it if it isn't right but I'm really excited because this is leading to a Sequel :D I think, but im still excited because this is about to get action packed and more exiting :D :D :D plus 3 updates in 1 day, please comment on the next few chapters, I really love reading your feedback :D

Young Justice ff- a lost birdTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang