Chapter 22~ please hurry

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Dick front flipped to the next trapeze and summer salted to the next, catching it in his legs. He then swang to the next and grabbed it, and just hungthere for a moment wondering if he was doing the right thing.

Joker and his new crew would be coming, because they always do. Injustice league were back. Hopefully Bats had figured this out too. if he hadnt then that would explain a lot.

Dick then dropped to the next trapize making it look easy, he swung onto the podium and stood by the edge, memories of his parents death flooded in as Dick tried to excape the memories suddenly growing lightheaded and falling...

He looked down seeing the net laying on the floor, he had been set up, or something along those lines, his thaughts rushed together realising he had seconds to save himself from the same fate as his parents.

He looked around, the pole, it was wooden, this was going to really hurt but better than what could happen. Dick whirled through the air, grasping the wood with his fingers wincing once as he slowed down. He then swung his feet onto the metal hook to climb onto the podeum. he stood on the hook then climbed down picking a few splinters from his burning hands.

He brushed them off then tooked around the tent, he wasnt alone, someone wanted him. And he knew it, he had in fact, known this for weeks. These people being large villains working together was clearly trouble.

if only Batman knew. Everything would be simpler but protecting came first, that after all, was a heros purpose. Besides, the boy wonder could cope on his own. it would be easy, sure not exactly easy peasy, he couldn't just slip through this, but he could however sort it out.

Batman would be mad, but Batman wasnt here, not now. He was on a solo mission. Working alone. hmm... working alone, he could do whatever now, no rules, no team...

Dick looked around the tent, glasses still on. "I need my Robin suit" He mumbled quietly as he walked out and went to his cart, was that an assassination attempt? Dick stopped at the door, if it was, would there be more? Was someone out to get him? Stupid question Grayson, you know they are, and thats why you left, but I hope Wally gets it, or im alone...

Dick opened the door and slumped on the seat, Why couldn't everybody just leave him be? He shrugged and turned on the tv. Another update on the search for Robin: Kid Flash has been spotted speeding out the border of Gotham and towards Metropolis. Robin has not yet been spotted but the league say they have it under control, No robberies, murders or other crimes have been spotted and it has been said he is in hiding till it blows over, which we can assure you, it won't. Next on the news, They have finially caught the Joker, but Bane and Harley Quinn have both been spotted running free, all other Arkham prissoners are accounted for.

Also, should abortions be banned? Robin, if he could still becalled that, stared at the screen, Bane and harley. He may handle that. if he is lucky, which he isnt. And Kid Flash must know, unless hes only comming to chew him out. Dick got up, well, maybe Kid will catch up.

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