Chapter 30

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Ryan's POV

It was wonderful, just resting my head on her lap. After talking a while, it was followed by a moment of silence. She stopped playing with my hair and happened to doze off. She looked so beautiful. I missed the day when I was at her home kissing her goodnight. I tuck the strand of hair behind her ear. I slowly picked her up and carried her to the room. Placed her on my bed and covered her with a blanket. I could just sit here and watch her all night, it felt that peaceful. I sat beside her and rested. 

Then woke up early due to the timer in my watch. Good enough that its voice was low, or else I could have woken her up. The rays of light from the window fell upon her face. Sun kissed Angel! But she was turning her head troubled by it, so I went and closed the curtains. I kissed her forehead and started my day ahead. I went and played with Marley a little. Gave him a good wash and set his food in bowl. I ordered Anna to prepare the breakfast and as I was waiting impatiently to see her wake up, I heard a knock on the door. 

I was still confused as to who made it up to my place at this time. Opening the door, my face fell on seeing Taylor. With her presence, everything that had been going flooded back and my bubble burst. But in no way was I going to let her know what I felt deeply about Riley. 

Taylor pounced on me and hugged me tight as if I was her real bf. I mentally cursed myself for the moment I accepted her deal. Despite trying to distract her, I had this deep feeling on the inside that stuff Taylor told me wasn't wholly true. I tried my best to keep her down. 

The aroma of cupcakes caught my nostrils and I was reminded of how hungry Riley must be after waking up. Before I could push Taylor out, she sneaked in and sat on the breakfast table looking surprised, as if it was planned for her. My heart was pacing up and down just thinking what would happen if both of them met each other. We had breakfast and Taylor left. I thanked the lord to have kept her asleep. I was about to open the room when Anna informed me that she already left.

Me: What? She left? When?

Anna: When Taylor was at the door.

Me: But I didn't see her leave.

Anna: Because she left from the back door.

Me: Why?

Anna: Isn't that obvious? What were you doing with that other girl?

Me: Ugh.. Its complicated.

Anna: My dear, I don't know what made you do all this. But from where I can see, I don't understand is why are you being good to a girl whom you can't stand and why are you behaving like a jerk to the girl you love?

Me: uh..Love.

Anna: Its written all over your face. Never has this house seen a girl since what happened. Now you bring in a pretty girl, take care of her, stay up the night choosing a dress for her and tell me you don't know it? That she doesn't affect you? Keep your male ego aside and just reflect over it.

Me: You are right.

She left me pondering over it. I entered the room only to find the dress in its place and the note scribbled. It read, " You made my soul rest in peace with the surprise this morning. Gift this dress to the one you hugged tight."

Why does this happen always...the timing is so bad! 

POV end.

I went home. I checked my phone to see Tyler's message.

"Hey there, I will be picking you up in 15 mins. Get ready."

I was saddened this morning watching the love of my life in love with someone else. Still I had to show up at college. I can't keep running away from them. So, let's face them with confidence. 

Dress decides your mood. I am a happy and independent soul. Let me weak my beige color dress with a belt and brown boots. Though it was a midi, it worked its charm. I was feeling confident wearing it. I wore a side braid on hair, put on some eyeliner and minty lip gloss on. I was about to leave on his call but I saw the mark, his mark. I decided to cover it up with a scarf around the neck. And left. 

It was great seeing Tyler driving and us reaching college in a few minutes. After that, I had my science class to attend and I left him near guys locker preparing for his practice match. Upon entering the class I spotted Taylor with a wicked smile. I don't know why but I had a feeling that something bad was waiting to happen.

Taylor's POV

I was prepared totally to show her where she belonged. I was just waiting for the bell to ring in. There it was. The lecture was over. Riley as usual moved towards her locker to stack up the books. I had already texted Rick to gather the crowd there somehow. The time was perfect. I stopped in front of her.

"What is the problem with you girl?", she asked trying to go past my side. I caught her shoulder and held her in place. I pulled her scarf out and screamed, " So, this is how desperate you are to sleep with my guy?" And she had the shocked expression as I expected. I saw her turning pale. Like somebody sucked the life out of her. I couldn't deny how good it felt. For all the times she got to be near Ryan in dance rehearsals. This was it. The moment had arrived. 

POV end.

A/N: Poor Ryan, everything happened so fast! The spiral of misunderstanding is increasing. It's good Tyler came to drop her off. But what the hell has Taylor planned? Will Riley's intuition come true? Or Ryan confess his feelings first?

To know what follows next in the story, stay glued!

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