Chapter 49

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Ryan's POV

Riley went out leaving me all alone. I didn't want to spend any second being away from her. But the fact that I was gonna do it in a matter of few hours was driving me insane. If I had the power, I would break all clocks in the world and stop this time. My attention was caught by those artists again. One of them ended the act as the stick wasn't catching more fire and in a hurry, he discarded it.

Little did he know that beside the cloth there were cylinders and in seconds, few explosions were heard and the temperatures started rising up.

People began screaming and running haywire giving rise to a stampede. The crew tried fire extinguishers but the fire was growing out of control. They cleared the exit a little and people rushed out while some got stuck in crowd. The structure was shaky as half the part was on fire. I took one of the rods and held the curtain from falling down and blocking the exit.

The fire brigade would take another 30mins given the distance of this place. I left the rod down as the place looked empty. I was about to leave when I heard whimpering cries. I followed the sound and saw a small girl crying near the bench. The other side was hot and from the redness of her hand, I knew she had suffered some burns. I removed my jacket and covered her. As I was carrying her out, I realized that it was maybe nature's way of helping me. I still had time but I guess I had to say goodbye early. I cursed my fate. I wouldn't be able to see her one last time. I quickly took out my phone. It had no range. So I typed a message and saved it as memo. I slid it in my jacket pocket. I ran towards the other end and tore up a patch.

I took up that discarded stick and lit it. Just as I screamed and handed over the baby to a guy, I kicked the stick closer and it burned, trapping me inside. I guess this is my goodbye.

POV end.

The whole crowd had gathered out and people were rushing out. The security crew had encircled the area and didn't allow people to get in. I tried calling Ryan but it was switched off. All were helping victims coming out of the tent. I rushed in to help them to carefully bring them out into an open place. But my heart was beating faster because we were sitting on front rows. 'Think good thoughts' I tried to pat chest to calm my heart. He will be safe. I was convincing myself.

The paramedics would be here in a few minutes. All of us gathered and started gathering water bottles and other necessary things. There were children that needed to pacified. And since many had inhaled smoke, they were coughing badly.

I stood there, dazed, just few minutes before, I was having the time of my life and was going to confess my love and now, I don't even know if he is alive or not.

I felt some one tugging at my feet. It was a boy crying. I bend down and picked him up. His face was a bit dusty from the smoke...I wiped it and gave him a little water. He calmed a little. I heard some lady screaming where her baby boy was. I raised my hand and called her out. She cried tears of happiness upon hugging him and thanked me too.

I prayed that everyone met their families, that I meet my family, my home.

The paramedics and fire brigade arrived. They began dousing the fire while the medics asked us to help put the severe burn victims in stretcher first.

It was a better thing to do. Because if we searched for members right now, the casualty would increase. They had explained us standard operating procedures during drills in college. Only that I might have to use it someday, gave me goosebumps.

A/N : Tragedy doesn't give a warning before it strikes. So, treasure the time with your loved ones before it is too late!
Stay tuned for further updates.

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