Chapter 1

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_One Week Later_

"Yo, Mae you need to just chill. This happened a week ago..." Angie said while taking a sip of her coffee, I let out a sigh and nodded.

"It just isn't fair...I didn't do anything wrong to Ace..." I mumbled, I lifted my coffee cup to my lips and took a sip. I looked up to see a tiny stage up at the front of the coffee shop, I set down my cup and looked at the stage from the table I was at. Angie looked to the stage as well.

"Huh, guess they're finally adding in the stage." she said, I nodded and picked up my cup again.

"Wonder what for..." I mumbled, Angie shrugged and twirled strands of her hair. I stood up and threw away my cup and waved goodbye to Angie.

"Don't get hit by a car!" she called after me, I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I won't!" I shouted back, I walked out of the coffee shop and towards my car. I felt myself tripping over someone else's foot, I could feel the pavement against the skin on my hands and them busting with blood. I lay on the ground   still for a while, I opened my eyes to see two hazel eyes looking back, I quickly sat up and winced in pain because of my hands.

"Oh God I'm so sorry!"

"No, no. I'm okay." I looked up to see the person I tripped over. My eyes widened.

"Are you sure? You seem a bit winded..."

"I-I'm fine, really."

"Are you sure? I mean I can go get some-"

"No really...I'm fine." I was fine, I really was. The one that saved me from death was standing right in front of me, of course I was fine. I mean...he basically saved my life.

"Okay, I'm Ethan."

"Mae." I held out my hand and he shook it.

"That's a pretty name...Mae, I like it." he said, I gave him a small smile and looked to my knees, blushing slightly.

"Thanks." I whispered. Ethan returned a smile to me and stood up, he held out his hand and smiled. I took it and he helped me to my feet.

"So, uh, um, see ya-" he started to ramble on and I placed a finger to his lips.

"Shh." I whispered, "I'm free Friday afternoon, we could meet at Starbucks and hang out?" I asked quietly, Ethan nodded and I removed my finger from his lips.

"Cool, yeah, Friday...yeah, cool, seya then!" Ethan raced off in the other direction and I smiled to myself.

"Oh god...I just met my hero..." I mumbled to myself, I ran my fingers through my blonde hair and smiled as he ran off. Friday...I thought, I slowly turned around and walked to my car a bit dazed. I could see Angie sitting by my car texting, she looked up from her phone and smiled.

"Do you think you can drive me home? I don't have money for a taxi..." she said, I nodded and unlocked the car. I was still thinking about what had just happened.

"Hey Mae. Maaaae? Helllooo?" I snapped out of my daze and looked to Angie who was laughing, "Are you falling asleep or something?" she asked, I shook my head and started the car.

"No. Just a bit winded, that's all." I mumbled, I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. Angie was still looking at me.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look like you just saw a ghost..." she mumbled, I shook my head.

"I'm fine really, just out of it..." I whispered, Angie nodded and smiled widely.

"I saw you fall on your face!" she giggled, I rolled my eyes and kept driving.

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