Chapter 20

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July 17, 2017

"Mae. Maeflower...Mae wake up." I rolled over on my bed and opened my eyes.

"What?" I mumbled sleepily, I smiled when I saw Ethan's bright smileing face. "Hey. What's up?" I whispered, Ethan held something in his hands and handed it to me.

"Happy birthday Mae." he whispered, I took the small blue wrapped package and smiled.

"Ethan, you didnt have to get me anything...." I stated, I sat up in bed and began to unwrap the small gift. Under the wrapping was a small black box, I pulled the top off and peaked inside. 

"Oh no you effing didn't!" I screamed, I pulled the gift out fo the box and I covered my mouth with my hand. In my hand I held a beautiful golden chain with a medium sized heart conected to it. I turned it around in my hands and looked down at the back of the heart, 


I smiled and looked back into the box, I pulled out a small folded note. I unfolded the note and read it to myself.

Dear Mae, 

We may have only known eachother for around a year, but I really do love you. You make me smile each day, I know the necklace isn't that much but I care about so much. Hope you have a bright birthday.


Your blue boy

I looked up at Ethan and smiled. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer.

"Thank you." I whispered, Ethan hugged back and smiled into my shoulder. 

"Do you like it?" he asked once he pulled away.

"No. I effing hate it." I said sarcasticly, "I love it. I really do." I twirled the necklace in my hands again and smiled. I unhooked the chain and placed it around my neck. I hooked the chain back together and held the heart in the palm of my hand.

"It does look nice on you." Ethan stated, I blushed and smiled. I let go of the heart charm and looked up to meet Ethan's eyes.

"I am going to celebrate by drinking some of the wine I got from my mom the other day." I flipped back the blankets and slipped out of bed, I walked out of my bedroom and walk into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a small bottle of wine, and popped out the cork. I took a small sip of it and smiled.

"Jesus, don't drink to much Mae." I heard Ethan laugh behind me. I smiled and held the bottle out to him, 

"Want some?" I asked softly, Ethan took the bottle and shrugged.

"This better be good..." he muttered, he lifted the bottle to his lips. He then spat out the wine. "Blach! How can you drink this crap?" he wipped his mouth and handed the bottle back to me, I shrugged and took another sip.

"I've drank wine since I was eighteen, my mom let me take drinks of her's." I replied, Ethan nodded and poked the bottle.

"I probably shouldn't even be drinking this anyway." Ethan mumbled, I nodded and set the bottle down.

"Yeah. You are underage in the first place, so no more wine for you!" I teased, Ethan rolled his eyes and smiled.

"What do you wanna do today?" Ethan asked, I shrugged and rubbed my shoulder.

"I don't really know..." I looked around the kitchen and sighed.

"Mae, you're frickin twenty-one now. You can do everything now!" Ethan exclaimed,  I bit my lip and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I know but..." I didn't finish my sentance because of three small taps at the door. I raised an eyebrow and walked to the door, I looked back at Ethan and smiled. I opened the door and felt someone hug me.

"Happy birthday Mae!" I looked to see who the arms belonged to and I grinned. 

"Hey mom." I chirped, my mother released me and cupped my face in her hands.

"Oh, you still look like you're seven." she cooed, I flushed and looked over my shoulder at Etnan. Her eyes followed mine and she let go of my face, she took a step to the side and looked at Ethan. I walked back to his side and took his hand, I looked up to my mom and gave her a small smile.

"Mom. This is Ethan boyfriend." I said to her, mom took another step forward and looked between Ethan and I.

"This is the Ethan from back home?" she asked, I nodded and I gripped his hand a bit harder. He looked to me and gave me a small smile, mom took another step forward and was not directly in front of him and I.

"He's nothing like I imagined..." she muttered, she looked Ethan up and down and then looked to me. I was still in my pajamas and Ethan was fully dressed, my mom blinked slowly and frowned slightly. I closed my eyes and took a shakey breath. Here it come's ready for the tears...I thought, mom brushed some of my hair out of my eyes and gave me a smile.

"He's better." she whispered, I opened my eyes and looked to her with wide eyes.

"R-Really? You t-think so?" I asked, she nodded and smiled.

"If he makes you happy, then I'm happy." she stated, I smiled widey and hugged my mother.

"Thank you." I whispered, I heard her hum a response and I smiled even wider as I let go of her. She looked to Ethan and smiled.

"So you really are the Ethan Mae would always tell me about?" she questioned, Ethan nodded and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Parker." Ethan gave her a smile, she ignored the hand and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you for making my daughter smile. She didn't used to do that after her little brother passed." my heart shattered, oh shiz. I had never told Ethan about my brother, Jakob, before. I hadn't even talked about him since he passed away.

"Mae had a little brother?" Ethan asked once my mother had released him, I didn't say anything but I knew she was going to say.

"Yes. She never told you?" she asked, Ethan shook his head. I could feel tears forming up in my eyes, I blinked them back and ran to grab my jacket. I threw it on and stood next to the door.

"Her brother died from brain cancer at the age of fif-" I cute her off.

"I DIDN'T TELL HIM FOR A REASON MOM!" I screamed, tears were streaming from my eyes now. Jakob was my bestfriend, but then I lost him. I didn't want to talk about him.

"Mae...take a deep breath. You're over reacting." Mom said in a hushed voice, I shook my head and opened the door. 

"You don't get it..." I whispered, I ran out the door and towards my car. 

"Mae wait! Come back!"

[OOOOO! Suspense!]

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