Chapter 23

75 4 2

Ethan's POV

October 23, 2017

(Trigger warning)


Just breath Ethan...

"Ethan are you okay?"

Don't answer....just breath...

"Ethan. open the door."

Don't respond...

"Ethan! Open the goddang door!" I could hear them pounding on my door, I didn't answer. I walked over to my dresser and picked up a small blade.

"Ethan! Open the effing door!" I looked back to the door and then to the small blade, I held the blade to my bare wrist and slowly slid it across. I winced sightly and then looked back to the door.

"Sorry Mark." I whispered, I slid the blade across my wrist again.

"I'm sorry Amy..." and again.

"I'm so sorry Kathryn..." and again.

"I'm sorry Tyler..." and again.

"And I'm sorry Mae..." and I slid the blade across my wrist for that last time, I felt tears run down my cheeks as I looked down at the blade and my wrist. I heard the door open from behind me, I stuffed the blade into my pocket and held my wrist so they wouldn't see.

"Ethan. What the hell?" I turned around to see Tyler, Mark, Amy, and Kathryn. I faked a smile and sniffled a little, Tyler took a step forward and pried my hand off of my wrist. I started shake uncontrolably, Tyler's blue eyes soon were fixed with my wrist.

" frickin scare me sometimes..." he muttered, he let go of my freshly cut wrist and pulled me into a hug.

(There's your Tythan moment guys. Now shippers of Tythan, BE GONE!)

"What the hell Ethan?" Mark muttered, I pushed Tyler away and looked to everyone. Mark's eyes looked dark and cold, Amy had her arms crossed over her chest, Tyler wasn't even looking at me, and Kathryn. She had tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered, Mark rolled his eyes and left the room along with the others. They shut the door behind them and that left me alone in the silent room again.



"Yes Ethan?"

"Why aren't you helping me get through this?" I turned on my side to look at her. She turned her head to look at me and she smiled.

"Ethan. I would only make it worse. Besides, I used to do the same things as you are doing right now Ethan." she ran a hand through her long silvery blonde hair and smiled.

"Really?" I asked, Mae nodded and then looked back to the sky.

"It started after my brother died. Heh. They weren't the greatest days of my life but whatever." I couldn't believe my ears, Mae used to hurt herself. Mae stood up and looked down at me.

"Come on Ethan. I have something to show you." I sat up myself and got to my feet to follow Mae, she stopped at a very large oak tree.

"A tree?"

"The tree where all my troubles began Ethan. This is the tree that my brother was buried under..." Mae whispered, I looked over at Mae who looked like she was about to cry. I pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair.

"I'm sorry Mae." I whispered,

"That's what everybody else said..." she mumbled, Mae pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes. "They all thought that it would happen someday, but I never believed I don't even want to be here." Mae started to walk away from me and she vanished into thin air.

"Mae?" I called out, no answer. "Mae!?"

[Dah dah daaaaaah! Cliff hanger! Sorry it's short...I didn't know what else to do. See ya in the next chapter yall!]

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