Chapter 10

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_Back in LA_

Dream [trigger warning]

"I doesn't have to be like this Mae..." I told myself, I picked up the blade sitting on the bathroom counter. I stared down at it and the looked at myself in the mirror.

"You could be happy without the pain...without the suffering...but it will never happen..." I held the blade to my wrist and slowly ran it across. I winced as blood dripped onto the white marble. I slid it over my wrist again and again, until I heard a knocking at the door.



I opened my eyes and rubbed my forehead, I slowly sat up and looked down at my wrists. Both of them were scared and bloody from the night before, if Amy hadn't come to the would be over. I thought, I bite my lip and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I stood up and went to change into a light blue sweatshirt and jeggings. I slowly made my way out of the room and was greeted by some very happy and smiling faces.

"Good morning, Maeflower!" Ethan exclaimed, I returned a small smile and sat down in the living room. I grabbed a strand of my blonde hair and started braiding it, I felt the couch dip beside me, but I didn't look up.

"Mae?" said a thick male Irish accent, I didn't look up. "Mae? You don't seem like yourself..." I still didn't look up at him, I felt a finger under my chin as it raised my head to look up from my braid and the ground.

"Mae, please answer me." Jack whispered, I looked around the area to see if Ethan or anyone else was around. I pulled up my sweatshirt sleeves to reveal my cuts, I looked into Jack's concerned blue eyes.

"Promise you won't tell...especially Ethan." I mumbled, Jack nodded and pulled down my sleeve.

"I never break a promise."

"Thanks Jack." I pulled him into a hug and smiled to myself. We pulled away from each other, Jack stood up and walked out of the room, I smiled to myself again and finished my braid. I heaved myself off the couch and walked into the kitchen to find everyone there, I received an upset look from Ethan. I took a seat next to him and gave him a smile, he didn't return one.

"So. You and Jack..." he mumbled. I froze and looked to him with wide eyes.

"We're not a thing!" I hissed, Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Whatever Mae." he mumbled.

"What's got your headphones on the fritz?" I snapped, Ethan didn't respond. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "I'm getting some fresh air..." I muttered under my breath. I walked out of the house and up to the road, I took a deep breath and started to cross. It was very peaceful out here in the morning, surprisingly. I heard a loud screech of tires. I turned to see a car racing towards me, but I could feel someone push me out of the way. It all went black.

Ethan's POV

"Mae!" I screamed, she was lying there motionless on the tar. I rushed to her side and kneeled beside her. "Oh god..." I could hear a moan from behind me, I looked to see Jack sitting there rubbing his head. He looked over to me and Mae and gave us a smile.

"You're welcome." he said,

"Yeah, thanks...I guess." I muttered, I turned back to Mae and cradled her in my arms. I heard footsteps rushing towards me from behind, I looked to see Mark, Tyler and Amy standing above me. Mark kneeled down and grabbed Mae's wrist,

"She's still has a pulse..." he mumbled, "Take her back inside..."


We layed Mae down on her bed and I pulled up a chair.

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