Chapter 11

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[Merry Early Christmas guys!]

"Mae, can you pass me that red one please?" Mom asked, I nodded and grabbed the red ordimate and placed a hook on it. I smiled to myself, in three days it was going to be Chirstmas, my favorite holiday. I ran my fingers through my long blonde hair and brushed my bangs out of my eyes. I felt my phone buzz two times in my pocket. I pulled my phone out and checked my messages.

🔹Ethan🔹: hey Mae. Wanna come over after you're done helping you mom with your guy's tree?

Meh: yeah sure! I'd love too!

🔹Ethan🔹: k cool, seya then!

I clicked on my other new message and a frown spread across my face.

Unknown number: Merry Christmas beautiful

Meh: leave me alone Ace...

Unknown number: no

I deleted the messages and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Mae? Can you hand my the snow globe ordimate please." I picked up the ordimate and handed it to her, 

"Mom, I'm going to head over to Ethan's in a little bit. I'll be back later." I said over my shoulder, 

"Okay." she said while hanging up some tinssil. "When do I get to meet this Ethan fellow?" she asked, I paused for a second and look to her and she looked to me.

"He's not my boyfriend if that's what you're thinking. We're honastly just friends." I mumbled, mom nodded went back to work.

"I see. Well he isn't your boyfriend yet." she chuckled, I rolled my eyes and got up from the floor.

"Don't push it mom." I gave mom a smile and grabbed my jacket. "I'll see you later mom." I put on my jacket and walked out the door.


I climbed out of my car and walked up to the front door, my knuckles hit the wooden door and the door imediatly opened, I was greeted by a smileing Ethan.

"Hi Mae!" he exclaimed, I raised an eyebrow.

"Were you waiting there the whole time?" I asked, Ethan shook his head.

"I just saw your car pull in and I was at the door like that." Ethan snapped his fingers and smile. "Come in, not like I'm gunna bite you." I laughed and stepped into the house.

"God, I haven't seen your place since I came over when we first met." I mumbled while looking around, Ethan nodded.

"Hasn't changed that much." Ethan walked further into the house and I followed. We walked past the living and found Ethan's dad.

"Ethan, pass me that hammer would you?" he asked, Ethan nodded and handed him the hammer. His dad looked to me and cocked his head.

"Who's this Ethan?" he questioned, Ethan looked to me and smiled.

"Dad, this is Mae. She's a friend of mine." Ethan draped his arm across my shoulder. I held out my hand for his dad to shake it.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Nestor." I said, Ethan's dad took my hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you too Mae." he replied, Ethan gave his dad a smile and the he took my hand.

"Mae and I are just going to go plays some video games. Seya later!" Etha pulled me away from his father and towards his old bedroom. "What do you want ta play?" he asked, I shrugged and thought about it.

"How 'bout The Walking Dead. That would be cool!" I exclaimed, a smile spread across Ethan's face. 

"Alright! The Walking Dead it is then Mae!"


"Nonononono! Stop walking towards the stupid walker you IDIOT!" I screamed, I slammed my palm against my face as the person was ripped to shreads. "Moron." I muttered, Ethan was sitting next to me watching.

"Next time don't choose, 'Investigate Walker'." he chuckled, I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Thanks captain obvious." I giggled, I finished up chapter one and turned to Ethan.

"I should head is probably worried about me..." my voice trailed off, I stood up and walked to the door.

"Hang on Mae." Ethan got up after me and stopped me by the door. "Have a good Christmas. I'll see you after." my eyes traveled to the ceiling and I smiled.

"Misletoe..." I whispered, Ethan looked up and blushed.

"Who the hell put that there?" he mumbled, I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck and our lips connected. He had wrapped his arms around my waist and was kissing back. I pulled away and my face turned bright red, so did his.

"Mae...can I ask you something?" Ethan whispered, I nodded.

"Fire away blueberry." I whispered back, Ethan rested his forehhead against mine.

"Mae, you have stood by my side ever since we met, and I stood beside you. Mae this is going to sound really cheesy but...will you be my girlfriend?" my bright green eyes were locked one his hazel eyes, I was speechless at the moment.

"W-What? Ethan I...what?" I wasn't sure what to say, I removed my arms from him and stepped away.

"Mae...I want us to be together, as a couple."  something caught my eye from outside of Ethan's window, I stared at it for a second and then I turned back to Ethan.

"Eth...I don't know what to say." I whispered, Ethan lowered his head and nodded.

"I mean I understand if you-" 

"Ethan..." I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug. Yes...say yes. A voice said in my head. "I would love to be your girlfriend." I whispered, Ethan's eyes widened with joy and a smile appeared across his lips. He pulled me close and kissed me again.

"Crank the Maniac? Sounds about right." Ethan whispered when he pulled away. I nodded my head.

"Or Maethan."

"Yeah." I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I took it out and read the message.

Unknown number: Merry Christmas...Mae Parker...

Below the message was a picture of two people tied up in a chair, both were gagged and looked terrified. I gasped once I noticed who the people were.

Unknown number: They won't be me...Mae...

I burst into tears, Ethan wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair.

"What happened? Was is another one of thoses texts from your ex?" he asked, I nodded and showed him my phone. His eyes widened.

"He's got Mark and Tyler."

[Dun...dun...DUUUUUUN! Cliffhanger!]

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