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[ SEOKJIN sinks into his chair, drawing out a sigh as he cuts into the stack of freshly made buttermilk pancakes with melted chocolate chips oozing out on the sides. SEOKJIN pours a moderate amount of maple syrup in the middle, watching the syrup drip onto the white plate. he sighs again as he sinks his fork into the pancake, taking a bite. he chews slowly, his eyes giving off a blank, glazed stare. ]

SEOKJIN : [ mutters to himself ] who do i trust? what can i do...? why did he leave three days after he told me he left? why did he lie? nothing makes sense...

[ a doorknob rattles and JEONGGUK emerges from his room, with wet hair and a towel over his head. ]

JEONGGUK : hey, seokjin. sorry it took a while. pancakes are probably ready, right?

SEOKJIN : yeah, it's on the stove. hopefully it's warm enough.

JEONGGUK : [ walks towards the kitchen and grabs himself a plate ] ah, it smells delicious. you never fail to disappoint me, seokjin. ever.

SEOKJIN : hm. do i not? [ chuckles ] i know i'm full of holes and disappointments. no need to lie to me, jeongguk. [ meets JEONGGUK'S eyes to see what he would say ]

JEONGGUK : [ gives a light laugh, but has his wary eyes fixed on SEOKJIN ] don't say that, seokjin. and i would never lie to you. where'd you get that idea from? [ his eyes crinkle slightly as he smiles gently ]

SEOKJIN : are you sure about that? [ lips purse into a straight face ]

JEONGGUK : [ all laughter dissipates from his face, eyebrows furrow in what appears to be worry ] ...uh, did i do something wrong, jin? what's wrong? is everything okay? you can tell me, you know...

SEOKJIN : [ stares into JEONGGUK'S eyes for a couple more seconds before smiling, taking a sip of his coffee ] i'm just messing with you, kid. no need to get so serious. anyways, are you doing anything today? or tomorrow?

JEONGGUK : [ a wide, toothy smile plants itself on his face as he takes another bite of his pancakes ] trying to get me out of the house, now? [ chuckles ]

SEOKJIN : no, no, god, nothing of the sorts. i'm just curious. if you must know, i'm gonna be out with a friend for a bit today. i could pick up something on the way back if you don't have any dinner plans.

JEONGGUK : maybe tomorrow, but i've been kinda craving chinese takeout, so keep that in mind! [ smiles ] and since you were asking, i'm busy today. kinda on a roll and all. 

SEOKJIN : [ perks an eyebrow up ] a roll? on what?

JEONGGUK : seokjin, you know i work in an office. i can't work from home like you do—but that makes sense since you've worked your ass off before. i'm a newbie. i'm gonna get cut if i don't show up to work everyday. but anyways, i'm doing pretty well.

SEOKJIN : ah, right. sorry. i've been kinda everywhere lately. [ bites the inside of his cheek ]

JEONGGUK : it's fine. i understand, i guess. [ pauses ] well, i better get going. see you later, i suppose.

[ JEONGGUK gets up and leaves the living room, leaving SEOKJIN sitting and giving the wall an empty stare. he snaps out of it after a moment, muttering something under his breath before picking up the used plates and placing them in the sink. ]

SEOKJIN : [ sighs ] i should probably call jimin.


[ a / n ]
woo an update after four months c: sorry guysss i was busy with exams and other things but i'll be staying for like two months and filling my feed up with updates <3 i have so much for you guys i wanna spoil every single one of you ilyyy !! also working on new novels hehe (: and this is such a filler chapter but i SWEAR the pace will pick up )':

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