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JIMIN : so, this is the infamous "jeongguk" you've been talking about? [ flips the picture of JEONGGUK and SEOKJIN over in his hand ] he's pretty good looking, to say the least. i feel like i've seen him somewhere, though. hm.

SEOKJIN : well, it's a small world we live in. [ takes the picture away from JIMIN, putting it back on the refrigerator with a magnet, but not before taking a look at it again ] anyways, have you found anything yet? anything that strikes you as abnormal? interesting? anything?

JIMIN : you called me here, so i suppose i'll let you go first. oh! are those chocolate chip pancakes?

SEOKJIN : [ purses his lips ] you're so easily distracted. are you sure you're a qualified officer? [ sighs, walks over to the kitchen and hands JIMIN a plate and a fork ] help yourself. they may have gone cold, though.

JIMIN : really? thanks!

SEOKJIN : anyways. i have a hunch. i think jeongguk is hiding something in his room, and i don't know what. it's only lately that he's been acting kinda weird... speaking of it, he had been acting differently after yoongi's disappearance. [ tilts his head in confusion ] it's very weird...

JIMIN : how so?

SEOKJIN : how? huh... i don't know. his... his 'vibe'... like, his aura... the atmosphere always felt a bit tense, but ever since yoongi disappeared, he seemed a bit more relaxed and more himself. but lately... it feels different. i feel like i'm suffocating whenever he's around. the same atmosphere i've been feeling came back. maybe it's because i mentioned yoongi? i'm not sure. he was very upset when he found out that yoongi was missing. he really looked up to him.

JIMIN : [ leisurely cuts into the pancake stack ] interesting. so, this 'aura', or whatnot... you've noticed a change between the time of yoongi's appearance, disappearance, and now?

SEOKJIN : yeah. [ bites the inside of his cheek ]

JIMIN : maybe it's because he— [ drops his fork, which makes a loud cluttering noise on the ground ] ah, shit.

[ JIMIN bends down to pick his fork up, wiping his mouth. he grabs it, but does not get up; instead, he stares at the ground. SEOKJIN looks down at him in inquiry. ]

SEOKJIN : uh, everything okay?

JIMIN : seokjin, uh, tell me something. do you frequently bleed?

SEOKJIN : what the—what kind of a question is that? you're such a shitty police officer. what does that have to do with anything? if you're just gonna eat pancakes, then get out—

JIMIN : [ looks up at SEOKJIN, pointing to a spot on the wood floor ] would you shut up for a minute? no, look at this.

SEOKJIN : i don't see anything.

JIMIN : you're not even looking.

SEOKJIN : [ exasperated, he bends down to look closer ]

JIMIN : see it? this bloodstain? the droplet—the pattern of how it spreads out and all—no other liquid other than thick blood could've possibly done this. it's kind of small, but not small enough to have missed if the center of attention was there, which is probably why it was missed when... the floor was being... cleaned... [ looks over at SEOKJIN ]

SEOKJIN: hey, don't look at me like that. i don't kill people.

JIMIN : i'm not saying you are. i'm not even implying it, really. but what are the chances that your roommate does?


i'm feeling realllll lazy af right now so rip my word count

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