Chapter 2 ~ Room Keys and Feels

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My story isn't getting many reads at the moment haha but I'm just going to carry on writing it because I love it and it's fun haha :) Please vote if you like it and comment suggestions love you all xxxxx (all 9 of you but whatever)

Jen's P.O.V.

I ran over to Colin and wrapped my arms around him.

"You're staying here too?!" He laughed.

I didnt realise how much I had missed him until just now. As a friend. Of course.

After we had checked in and caught up a little, we went our seperate ways to our rooms.

I started to unpack my things when I got a text from Lana.

Hey, you going to that meeting dinner thing tonight? Xx

I smiled. I hadn't seen Lana in ages. I replied;

Yeah xx you?

She said;

Of course! You know I would never miss a thing like that! Do you want me to pick you up later?

If you're okay with that, sure! That would be great xx

6:30? Xx

See you then xx

My mind flickered to Colin for a minute. I wondered how he was getting to the meeting. I texted Lana again.

Hey Lana, would you be okay taking Colin too, if he needs a ride?


The new guy. Hook.

Oh yes of course! That would be fine with me :) xx

See you later xx

I texted Colin.

You going to the dinner tonight?

Swan, how lovely to hear from you. Yes, I am.

You know you can just call me Jen.

I know. Anyway, Swan, you wanted something?

I laughed. He was such a dork.

Do you have a ride there? I'm going with Lana and she offered to take you as well.

That would be wonderful, Swan.


See you at 6:30, Swan.

I finished unpacking and went for a shower. Then I did my makeup, got dressed into a light blue dress, did my hair in a braid, then went downstairs.

Lana was waiting in the reception.

"Lana!!!" I screamed as I ran over to her and hugged her.

"Jen!!!" She squealed as she hugged me back.

I hadn't seen her in ages, and I missed her. I heard a cough and turned around.

Colin was standing there in a suit and tie, looking very smart and formal. Considering the first time I saw him he was in all black leather, this was certainly a contrast.

"Colin!" I smiled. "This is Lana. Lana, this is Colin."

They introduced themselves, then we all piled into Lana's car and headed off to the dinner.

We arrived, and everyone was introduced to Colin. There was a second new cast member, Sean, who would be joining the show at a later point in the series as Robin Hood.

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