Chapter 10 ~ Comic Con 2014

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Sooooooooooo did you like the last chapter? I prefer writing happy things haha. But my evil half shines through sometimes so prepare yourselves mwahahahahahh. Joking. Or am I...? 

Jen's P.O.V.

"You traded your ship for me?"

A pause. I looked into his eyes.


That accent. That smile. Those eyes. And they were all mine.

This kiss was the longest yet. And it was so much easier than it had been before. I could tell they wouldn't make us do it again. It just felt so... perfect.

There was so much feeling in our kisses that every time felt like the first. And I felt it again.

This wasn't just acting. This was real life. Real emotion. Real......... 

We drew apart for a second, then he looked into my eyes and smiled. I couldn't help but kiss him again, until the director yelled "CUT."

After the scene, Lana came up to me. "So you guys are friends again?" 

I grinned. "Yeah."

"Apparently he's getting a divorce. Any idea why?" 

I had to hide it. No matter what.

"Yeah I heard that too. I didn't ask though. Don't want to pry." 

"Okay, see you around." She smiled, and walked off to find Fred, who had come to visit the set and cast today. 


I headed off to my trailer. This was the last day of filming for season three. Tonight, we were going to have a meeting about Comic Con and season four. 

I texted Colin. 

You finished filming?


When are you heading back to the hotel?

Not sure, you?

I'll text Josh. He might be able to take us now.

It turned out Josh and Ginny had also finished filming for the day, so Josh dropped us back at the hotel.

"You want to come back to my room with me? We could order tacos." He smirked.

I laughed. "Sorry. I have to get ready. Ginny' coming. She said she'd come see me in..." I looked at my watch "...twenty minutes."

"Maybe another time." He smiled, and kissed me gently on the cheek before leaving the elevator. 

As the doors closed I regretted turning down his offer. But I needed to get ready for the meeting. Anyway, I still didn't know if I was ready.

I went upstairs and lay down on my bed. Then my phone started to ring. 

It was Colin. 



"Colin! I won't be able to hear what if you scream any louder!"

"Colin O'Donoghue is officially a single man!"

"Oh my goodness how!?" 

"When I went back to Ireland to see Evan she gave me the papers to sign. And now they've been processed and IM SINGLE!" 

I laughed. He was happy. And that meant I was too.

"And Helen?"

"She was genuinely so friendly. I'm glad she wanted this too. She could feel us growing apart."

"I'm happy you're both happy."

"And you can kiss me without feeling guilty."

"And that." I could tell he was smiling. Then there was a knock on my door. "I have to go now Ginny is here. See you later."

"See you later. Swan."

I smiled, and went to open the door and let Ginny in. We got ready, then went down to meet Josh and Colin in the lobby.

"Hey Jen." Josh smiled. 

We got in the car and left for the meeting.

During the meeting we were told how much we could reveal about the next season, and how we should behave. 

This meant I had to stay near Colin at all times. 

Which wouldn't be a bad thing. I smiled to myself.

And that was it. 


Still Jen's P.O.V.

Comic Con had arrived, and we were all excited. Doing the panel was Colin, Josh, Lana, Robert, Emilie, Jared, Adam, Eddie and I.

When we sat down, I was inbetween Josh and Colin. 

A couple of questions were asked about other couples and the show in general, before the topic turned to Emma and Hook.

A question was directed at me. 

"You've had a few suitors on the show...who do you think her soulmate is?"

Someone in the audience shouted "Hook!", and after that Colin started to influence the cheers. 

I laughed. "I feel like that might be an Adam and Eddie question..." 

I didn't want to answer in case something slipped out by accident. Also, I didn't want to start blushing.

Adam started to try and explain, and as the fans were still shouting, I rested my head on Colin's shoulder.

Screams erupted throughout the hall as Colin leant his head in and rested it on mine.

If only they knew.

Colin started making faces. He was so adorable it took all my will not to just kiss him right there in front of all the screaming fans.

Adam gave up trying to explain, and eventually said "No one's listening to me!"

I laughed and shrugged apologetically at him, whilst fans continued to yell.

The rest of the panel went really well, and the audience were really enthusiastic. It was amazing how one show could affect so many people, and bring them all together.

It was so strange to think that I was some people's idol!

Whenever Emma and Hook's relationship was mentioned, the audience screamed very loudly. One time, Colin nudged me under the table causing me to loose my track of thought for a moment.

I quickly recovered and answered the question, but when the attention was on Robert and Emilie, I kicked Colin under the table.

Some of the audience asked us questions, and some of them had awesome costumes! We were asked such a wide variety of things, from relationships in the show, deaths in the show, how the show affects us as people, what we think of our characters and much more.

One of the questions was about Neals death, to which Adam replied, "Death may be a terrible thing but it doesn't mean it's the last time you see someone."

Perhaps I should have taken that to heart.

After the interview we walked offstage laughing. Then Ginny came over to us holding my phone. 

"It's your mom." She explained, slightly worried. "She's been trying to call you for about twenty minutes."

It must be urgent if she had been trying for that long. I phoned her back immediately. When she picked up I could instantly tell something was wrong. 

"It's Daniel." She said inbetween sobs. "A car accident. He's gone."

I TOLD YOU I HAD AN EVIL HALF. This chapter was 688 words at first ahhahah so I had to go back and add more so it was over 1000. Vote if you enjoyed! I mean you can vote if you didn't enjoy too that would be kind :) 

A xx

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