Chapter 3 ~ You ever even been in love?

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I know it's all from Jen's point of view at the moment but in future it will be from Colin's too. Also I still have 0 votes ahhahaha. Please vote if you like this so I know you do and I know I should keep writing xx

Jen's P.O.V.

"Colin!" I tried to smile. 

"Sorry for interrupting, but I just wondered if you wanted to go over this scene with me?"

We weren't filming the scenes in order, and today Adam and Eddie decided to do some of the beanstalk scenes. Which of course were the scenes where me and Colin were alone. Typical.

I should say no. I won't be able to concentrate.

"Of course. That would be great." 

What am I saying? I don't know what I'm feeling! I need time alone. 

I beckoned for him to sit next to me so we could run through our lines. 

He adopted his British accent again. "First beanstalk? Well, you never forget your first." He smirked. "You know, most men would take your silence as off-putting, but I love a challenge."

I needed to get into the right frame of mind. 

"I'm concentrating."

"No, you're afraid. Afraid to talk, to reveal yourself. Trust me, things'll be a lot smoother if you do."

"You should be used to people not trusting you."

"Ah, the pirate thing. Well, I don't need you to share. You're something of an open book."

"Am I?"

"Quite. Let's see, you volunteered to come up here because you were the most motivated. You need to get back to a child."

"That's not perception. That's eavesdropping."

"Ah, but you don't want to abandon him the way you were abandoned."

"Was I?"

"Like I said, an open book."

"How would you know that?"

"I spent many years in Neverland, home of the Lost Boys. They all share the same look in their eyes... The look you get when you've been left alone."

"Yeah, well, my world ain't Neverland."

"But an orphan's an orphan. Love has been all too rare in your life, hasn't it? You ever even been in love?"

I looked into Colin's eyes. Somehow I knew that my reply wasn't just Emma Swan speaking. Not that it was truthful at all.

"No. I have never been in love."

We sat in silence. It was only a couple of seconds, but it felt like eternity. That last phrase hung in the air. 

The silence was broken by my trailer door being opened. 

"Hey," it was Ginny. "They want you guys on set." 

"Thanks. We'll be there in a moment." I smiled.

We walked to the set, a green screen room with a fake beanstalk. We had to be attatched to it to make it look like we were climbing. 

We started the scene and it was going well, until...

"You ever even been in love?"


"CUT." One of the directors yelled.

I shook my head. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened."

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