Chapter 25 ~ Perfect

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OH I WILL FLY INTO TOMORROW, MY SISTER FULL OF SORROW- yes I'm still singing the songs. So I haven't updated in a few days... oops xx

Jen's P.O.V.

Season 5 of Once Upon a Time had gone down brilliantly. Everyone loved it. And especially the scene when Hook returned from the underworld and Emma was so emotional and happy...

"Hey love can you grab a blanket?" I heard Colin's voice echo down the stairs, interrupting my thoughts.

I stood up from my laptop, where I had been researching wedding venues, and took a blanket up to him.

"Thanks." He grinned before pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead.

I looked over at Bella, who was lying in her cot. Colin had been trying to put her to bed.

"Just yell if you need anything else." I smiled as I went back downstairs.

The wedding was turning out to be more difficult to plan than I had first expected.

I groaned to myself as I sat down in front of my laptop again.

Yes, there had been many venues that would have been fine, but none of them were perfect.

And that's what I wanted this wedding to be.

I closed my eyes in frustration. Then a pair of hands rested on my shoulders.

"She's sleeping." Colin whispered. "Any luck?"

"Well, I found a couple of places. But they're not right, you know?"

He came around to the front of the couch and sat beside me, putting an arm around me.

"But don't get stressed. This should be fun. We have plenty of time, remember?"

"I know." I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.

He kissed my forehead gently, sending tingles through my body.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"What?" He grinned.

"It's just... after everything that happened I can't believe we made it here."

"But we did."

"I know."

And there we sat for a while, comfortable in each other's silence.

However that silence was broken after a while by the sound of crying. Bella was getting better at sleeping but she would still wake up crying often.

"I'll get her." Colin offered.

"No, honestly, it's fine." I insisted and made my way upstairs.

I picked her up out of her cot, sat in the armchair in the corner of her nursery, and fed her.

She looked up at me. So tiny and delicate. She had his eyes.

Finally, she fell asleep again in my arms. I lifted her gently and put her back in her cot.

When I left the nursery, Colin was standing there.

"Jen you look exhausted. How about you take a break from wedding planning for once and go to sleep?"

I smiled. He was right. I was exhausted.

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