Chapter 11 ~ Grief and Sorrow

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Over 200 reads. Over 200. What the actual flip you guys are amazing!!!!! Anyways yes I apologise for my last chapter I'm sorryyyyyyyy. Disclaimer I actually like Daniel in real life so it made me kinda sad too lol anyway enjoy! (Try to anyway) xx

Colin's P.O.V.

Jen dropped her phone. It hit the floor with a crack. She stood there, taking in what she had just heard. But it didn't take long for the tears to start.

When they did, she fell to her knees and curled up into a ball, sobbing. I could hardly bear it.

I ran over to her and held her in my arms. I didn't care what anyone thought, I would be there for her no matter what happened. 

The others started to crowd around us while I rocked her in my arms. They were all whispering.


I don't know why I was so angry. Seeing Jen upset like this had really hit me.

They scattered, leaving Jen, Ginny and I.

She cried until there were no tears left. 

"Hey," I whispered gently to her. "What's wrong?" 

It was a moment before she replied.

"Daniel... car... accident... he's gone!" She managed in between breaths, bringing on a fresh wave of tears. 

Ginny gasped and put her hand to her mouth as tears filled her eyes too. "Her brother." She mouthed over at me.

Jen's brother was dead. 

I held her close. There was nothing I could say to make it better, so I let her cry there. As long as she knew that I was there for her, it was the best I could do. 

She looked up at me. Mascara lines ran down her face. Her eyes were all red and blotchy. It brought tears to my own eyes to see her like this. 

"The interviews. We have to go. We're gonna be late." She said trying to wipe the tears from her face.


She turned to look at me. I could see she was on the verge of tears again. She collapsed into my arms, sobbing.

"Let's go back to the hotel." I whispered into her hair.


"You're in no fit state to go out there. We will make it up to them. But we are going."

She wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Thank you." She whispered, tears still flowing down her face. 

Ginny insisted she come back with us, but Jen wouldn't have it. She was determined that Ginny would go to her interview.

And a determined Jen is even more persuasive than a tearful Jen.

We took the elevator up to her room, and when we got there, I sat on her bed.

I held her in my arms where she cried again. 

I couldn't imagine how she felt in that moment, but I knew one thing.

I would stand by her side through all of this mess.

Because... She was precious to me and I never wanted her to feel alone.

We stayed there for hours. Few words were exchanged. But none were needed. 

I was there for her. We both knew that. And I would stay there forever if she needed me.

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