Chapter 15 ~ Gotta love Tacos.

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I logged into Wattpad the other day and I HAD 40 NOTIFICATIONS LIKE OMG YOU GUYS! Also I finally got the app (wooo) haha (also my incredible title I mean how much effort was put into it (like none)) xx

Colin's P.O.V.

"Thank you." I ginned into the microphone, as everyone clapped.

I had done it.

And she had forgiven me.

And somehow that made me love her even more.

And she loved me too.

I honestly believed that I was the happiest man alive in that moment.

I wrapped my arm around Jen's waist and guided her off stage. "You wanna stay here?" I asked her.

"You know, I kind of fancy tacos right now." She smirked at me.

And of course I knew exactly what she meant.

"Sounds good to me." I smiled, leaned down and gently kissed her again.

We told the others we were going because we were tired, which of course they didn't believe, and went back to the hotel.

When we got in the elevator, her lips crashed on to mine. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her back.

That night was amazing. I wouldn't trade it for the world.


Jen's P.O.V.

I open my eyes to see Colin's eyes looking straight into mine.

"Morning beautiful." He smiled.

I returned the smile. "Hey."

Just waking up next to him was heaven.

Let alone the night before...

"We should get going. We're filming today."

"Oh yeah." I had completely forgotten due to everything that had been going on.

I went up to my room to get ready, then met Colin and Josh in the foyer.

Josh gave us a couple of funny looks but he didn't ask anything.

We arrived on set where I went to my trailer, then met with Lana and Bex for coffee.

We had been talking for a few minutes when Lana suddenly exclaimed "JEN! What is that mark on your neck!?"

"What mark?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh you didn't!?" Bex squealed.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Sure enough there was a mark. Oops.

I attempted to cover it with my hair before dashing back to Lana and Bex.

"I have filming today!" I moaned.

Lana laughed, whereas Bex squealed "Who cares about filming!? How was last night!?"

I laughed as well. "It was..." I blushed and looked down at my feet. "Great."

"So you did it?!" Bex asked, excitedly.

"Bex!" Lana laughed.

I told them about the previous nights events, missing out a detail (or ten) but giving them a vague idea what happened.

Then I went back to my trailer and texted Ginny.

Come to my trailer I have to tell you everything!!!

Okay on my way right now!!!

Within a couple of minutes Ginny was knocking on my door.

I told her everything that happened, only missing out a couple of details.

For example just as I fell asleep in his arms he whispered "I love you, forever Swan."

That was his private nickname for me. It made sense.

Once Upon a Time was what had brought us together. And forever was... well... forever.

And I had never been so sure of my feelings in my life.

IDK WHAT TO WRITE (private message me or comment or message me on Instagram ouat_fangirl_101 if you guys have any ideas) AND I NEED SLEEP SO THIS IS A MINI HALF CHAPTER SO YAY I'M SORRY.

A xx

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