Chapter 23 ~ Like I'm gonna loose you.

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Oh my god I can't even remember the last time I cried as much as I did when I watched the finale oh my goodness I was full on sobbing oops. Anyway this is kind of a nice drama-less filler chapter so yay xx

Jen's P.O.V.

Sitting on the plane next to Colin, I thought about everything we had been through. It was incredible.

I looked over at him sleeping beside me and played with the Eiffel Tower necklace Colin had bought me on our last day.

A small reminder of the incredible amount happiness that had occurred during the trip.

When we finally arrived back in Vancouver and got through, Ginny and Josh were there to meet us.

Ginny came running over to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Congrats you guys!!!" She squealed.

"Yeah. Congratulations." Josh grinned.

I laughed when I was finally released from Ginny's hug. "Thanks guys."

"Also I would like to volunteer to arrange an engagement party!?" Ginny giggled.

"If you want to that would be amazing! Thank you!" I hugged her again.

She really was an amazing best friend.

And of course between all of this was the launch of season five, and the 'Dark Swan.'

There were multiple interviews concerning the new season, and one was taken by Mr O'Donoghue himself.

He was so funny. And adorable. And just plain amazing.

I was so lucky.

The new season would be about Emma as the Dark One.

She would then have to turn Hook dark to save his life.

Then he died to get rid of the darkness, and Emma and her family traveled to the underworld to try and save him through true love.

We were all excited because the plot seemed so exciting and it sounded like it would be really fun to film.

However, the first few days of filming were extremely emotionally draining. Emma was just starting to face the fact she was dark, and so she was much angrier and struggling to deal with her situation.

And of course we had to try to hide the baby bump.

It would be okay for the first couple of months but after that we would have a break for another couple of months to do lots of technical things, whilst I had the baby.

So we tried to film my major scenes that would need the most editing before I left for my break. This meant filming scenes from throughout the whole season.

There was one scene where Emma left Hook in the underworld.

It was one of the most emotional scenes we had ever filmed.

Considering it was true love.

True love.

And I couldn't help wondering if that applied for Colin and I.

It's all very well to love someone, but true love? Well that's another thing entirely.

But I really did love him...

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