Chapter 27 ~ Choose Wisely

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Jen's P.O.V.

"Before I begin I would like to warn you that I am in possession of a dangerous weapon, should any attempts be made to protest. I have been sent by my boss to deliver a message. Your son, Evan will soon be discovered missing. You had everything you want in life. He loved Jennifer, yet she didn't love him back. He doesn't find it very fair that you get Jennifer and a son, whereas he is left with nothing. If you want your son back, I suggest Jennifer meets me right here at midnight, unaccompanied and unarmed. If this does not happen, then you may never see your son again. Do I make myself clear? If you want your son, my boss gets Jennifer. Choose wisely."

And with that he left, slamming the doors behind him.



I turned to Colin and looked him in the eyes. The next second I was crying into his shoulder whilst his arms wrapped around me, comforting me.

But then I stood back.

"I have to go."

"Jennifer. I love you. There is no way I am letting you go. We have to find a third way."

I knew he was trying to find a way that this could work. But I also knew there wasn't one.

I wasn't about to risk the life of his son.

"Colin. This time there is no thrift way. I'm sorry." I whispered and turned around. I had to get out of there.

Me just being there was putting them all in danger.

I hitched up my dress and ran out of the church, ignoring the calls after me.

I had to go somewhere they couldn't find me. Where they couldn't convince me to change my mind.

I ran to my private place. Only Emilie knew where it was, and I knew that she would respect my decision.

I sat on the ground, my wedding dress spread out around me.

I had to go.

Colin's P.O.V.

I ran towards the doors, but when I got outside she had already vanished.

I sank to the ground.

"We have to find her. Where could she have gone?"

Everyone shrugged sympathetically.

Except one.

"I know where she might be..." Emilie said, quietly. "But maybe you should leave her. The more you chase after her, the more likely she will be driven to go."

"Tell me where she is!" My voice rose, then I stopped myself. "Don't. I'll end up going after her. Maybe you're right. Maybe I do need to leave her for a bit. Promise me you'll take me to where she could be later."

"Promise." She smiled, sadly.

Jen's P.O.V.

I sat thinking.

Previously, the only thing that had really sunk in was the fact that I had to leave for Evan.

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