Chapter 16 ~ Attacks and Accidents.

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Okay so I had like 1 idea before this so THANK YOU SO MUCH to kpcluff for helping me come up with ideas (or this would be awful haha). If you have any ideas please comment or message me xx

~ A few weeks later idk like 6? Haha ~

Jen's P.O.V.

Filming in Stevenson was always so much fun. And sometimes we got to go over and meet some of the fans. They were always so brilliant.

We were filming in 'Storybrooke', and during our break we went over to greet the fans who were watching nearby. Some started to freak out when we git near. It was kind of funny how we had that effect on people.

There was so much excitement in the air. I was amazed at how much effort some of them had put in to meet us. And I was grateful.

They had so many amazing hand made posters, drawings, art, clothes and photographs (to name a few of the different items), for us to sign.

If it weren't for the fans, I don't know what I'd do.

We were talking to them, signing things, taking selfies.

But then it started to feel a bit crowded.

The people were everywhere.

Surrounding me.

Pushing inwards.


I didn't know what had come over me.

My breaths were short.

I could feel myself start to tremble.

I started to leave.

Walking. Jogging. Running.

I needed to get away. And fast.

I found myself in the dressing room, where I ran through the maze of outfits, accessories and other things I couldn't put a name to. I sank to the floor and curled up in a ball.


I had completely shut out the world.

My heartbeat started to slow gradually.


Footsteps. They were getting closer.

I could hear Colin and Ginny saying my name.


Then I felt his arms wrap around me.

Protecting me from everything.

Less shaking.

I melted into him, the warmth of him comforted me.

My heartbeat slowed down until it was almost back to normal.

I finally stopped shaking.

"Hey, Jen. Are you okay?" He whispered.

I didn't answer for a while. I just sat there feeling his chest rise and fall as he breathed beneath me. It was somehow calming.

"Maybe." I finally whispered.

"What happened?" Ginny asked, gently.

"I... I don't know. I just couldn't breathe properly. I couldn't stop shaking."

"It seems like you had a panic attack." Ginny suggested. "Maybe you should take some time off to rest. I'll tell Adam and Eddie."

"No! Please! I don't want to ruin the show for anyone." I didn't want to put my leisure before the show. For the sake of everyone.

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