Chapter 14 ~ Will we kiss and make up?

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I apologise for this chapter before I even start because I have absolutely no idea what I'm gunna write so LOL xx

Colin's P.O.V.

I wasn't giving up on Jen.

I had a plan. But it would take time. And effort. And it might not even work. But it would be worth it if it did.

Many phone calls, texts, emails and online bookings later, my plan was ready. But I didn't have the hardest job.

Ginny did.

She had to convince Jen to come.

After I had hurt her, she had the right to stay in her hotel room as long as she wanted.

I was just hoping Ginny would be able to convince her to leave.

Jen's P.O.V.

My phone was ringing.

I was planning on ignoring it. But it was Ginny. And she didn't deserve to be ignored any more.

I answered it.

"Hi Ginny."

"Jen! Hey! I wanted to know if you wanted to come out with us tonight?"


"Lana, Bex, Emilie, you and I."

"Oh I don't know." I wasn't in the mood to go out. I didn't know if I could face anyone.

"Please? For me? You need a girls night out."

I knew she was right. I needed to try and have fun.

"Oh alright. Just this once."

"Thank you. I'll pick you up at six?"

"Okay. See you."

I sighed and flopped backwards onto my bed. I had to try and have fun. At least for Ginny. I knew she hated seeing me sad.

I went and had a shower, then started looking through my clothes.

I eventually picked out a thigh length chiffon dress with sleeves just past my elbows and a decorative belt. I put on a pair of nude heels then went into my bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.

I was going to have fun.

I did my makeup then did my hair in a fishtail braid and pinned it to my head.

Then my phone buzzed. Ginny.

I'm downstairs xx

Okay on my way xx

I grabbed a purse and chucked my phone and some money in, then went down to meet Ginny.

We drove to the club and met Lana, Bex and Emilie outside. They all looked stunning.

We all walked inside. There was live music playing.

I stopped in my tracks.

"Ginny what the actual flip you didn't tell me HE was going to be here!?"

Of course I was angry.

I was here to forget about Colin. Not to watch him sing.

"Jen, I'm sorry. Please stay?"

I sighed. What the flip. Why not.

I went over to a table with the other and we sat down and ordered drinks. I explained everything to them about Colin.

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