Chapter 17 ~ Surprises.

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IM SORRY AGAIN. I feel like I'm apologising all the time for my story hahah xx

Jen's P.O.V.

I was awoken at a ridiculous hour of the night by my phone. I opened it to find 32 texts and 7 missed calls. From an unknown number.

What the...

I looked at the time. 3:12 am.

My phone started to ring again. It must have been urgent for them to have called this many times. I decided to answer.

"Hello is this Jennifer?" A female voice asked. I couldn't put a name to the speaker, but she sounded familiar. She also sounded extremely worried.

"Yes... and you are?"


Oh. It was Colin's ex wife. I mean she was still his friend but...

"I don't mean to sound rude," I laughed. "But it's 3:12 am! Why are you ringing me now?"

"Of course, the time difference." I heard her mutter to herself. "I'm sorry Jen but it's kind of urgent. It's Colin. He was in a car accident. He's in hospital. Unconscious."

At those words the whole world seemed to stop.

This couldn't be happening.

A car accident.

Just like...

I dropped my phone onto my pillow and started sobbing uncontrollably. After a while I picked it up again.

"Jen? Are you still there?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." I said through my tears.

"I'm sorry to have been the one to tell you." She apologised.

I knew what I had to do. I was determined.

"I'm coming over there. I have to."

I wiped away the tears and go over to my laptop. I opened it and went online to a plane booking website. The next plane to Ireland was at 7:15.... but damn it was full.

I propped my phone between my chin and my shoulder, still talking to Helen through my tears and looking for the next flight.

"They're all full."

"Keep looking there must be one."

Eventually I found one.

8:30 pm.

"It's so late. I can't wait that long to see him."

"It's as early as we can get."

"Promise you'll keep updating me on his condition?"

"I promise."



"Thank you."

I didn't want to wait that long to see him.

I couldn't loose him too. If I lost him...

I honestly didn't know what I would do.

Then I collapsed onto my bed in a heap of tears and fell asleep.

I woke again and felt instantly sick.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

What a lovely start to the day.

I cleaned myself up and phoned Ginny, and told her of all the nights events.

"And now I've just thrown up and I don't know why because I didn't feel sick yesterday or last night or anything and everything is just going awfully." I sigh.

"Woah woah Jen calm down. I, coming over there right now wether you like it or not. And I'm bringing a pregnancy test."

What the...

"Pregnancy test?!"

"A possible reason for you feeling sick. I mean you never know." And with that she hung up.

I suddenly felt faint, and not just from the sickness.

No, I couldn't be.

Well I mean I could be...

But why now?

I'm probably not even pregnant. It's probably just Ginny being... Ginny.

A knock on my door forced me to get up again.

"Ginny. Thank god."

She handed be a bag with the test in.

"Really? Right now?"

"You should do it before you leave."

I sighed. She was right.

I went into the bathroom and used it. I was expecting it to be negative of course. Ginny overreacts all the time.

I looked down.







Okay this is a short chapter but I had to leave it like this just because.


I might even be updating later today but if not definitely tomorrow.

A xx

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