Chapter 5 ~ Coincidence or Karma?

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Thank you so much to Alyssa and Kennedy who helped me come up with ideas for this chapter! I had no idea how to progress to season 3 so thank you. Also, I can't believe how well this story is doing! Thank you to every single one of you who reads this. xxxx

Colin's P.O.V. 

"And that's a wrap on season two!" We all cheered. 

During the break, I was going to return to Ireland. But then Sean got me the most awesome, if not kind of late, birthday present. Tickets to a Pearl Jam concert in LA! 

Pearl Jam is my all time favourite band. I had loved them for as long as I could remember, and had a somewhat ridiculous amount of posters and merchandise. I couldn't believe it!

I phoned up Helen, my wife, to tell her the great news.

"I'm going to a Pearl Jam concert in LA with Sean!" I said, excited.

I guess I had hoped she would be more enthusiastic. "Oh. Ok. Enjoy I guess."

She is probably just annoyed because I'm leaving her for a few more days with Evan. Everything will be fine when I get back in two weeks.

She was probably having a bad day. But bad days hade become a regular thing recently. I assured myself that she would get over it. 

Sean and I left for the airport and checked in on our flight. But when we got to the lounge, a surprise was waiting. 

"Jen?" We both asked, shocked. 

For a split second, there was a look on her face that I couldn't quite read, but then it transformed into a grin. 

"Hey!" She smiled. "What are you guys doing here?" 

"I might ask the same for you, Swan." I smirked. 

"Well... considering I live in LA..." she laughed.

"Oh yeah..." I felt myself blush. "We're going to a Pearl Jam concert." 

"See you round then." That look again. The one I just couldn't understand.

For some reason, I felt kind of happy that I would be near Jen for the next couple of days. I couldn't understand why. I didn't have feelings for her. After all, I loved Helen, didn't I? 

We boarded the plane, I put all worries about my feelings aside, and prepared myself for a great trip with a great friend.


Jen's P.O.V.

Colin was staying in LA.

Colin was staying in LA whilst I was there.

Colin was staying in LA whilst I was there in the hotel opposite my apartment. 

Dammit Karma. 

I sat down on the plane and sighed. I had been looking forward to a break. A time where I could let go of my feelings and have fun with my family.

Stop being so stupid. He has a wife. He is happy. And completely unavailable. Why should I concern myself over him? He's just a stupid crush.

I decided that I was going to enjoy my break. No matter what's Colin did, I was not going to let him get in the way of me having a great time. 

Easier said than done. 

I must have fallen asleep during the flight, as I was woken with a jolt as we landed. 

We were waiting for our baggage, when Colin came over to me.

"See you around, Swan." He smirked, and walked away.

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