Chapter 2

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"Eleanor Charlotte Walsh, fucking wake up." I heard a familiar voice shout from my front door. 

Before I could even reply, Ethan appeared in my bedroom doorway. 

"What the actual fuck Ethan. I was sleeping!" I say, throwing a pillow at him.

"We need you at Marks." He chuckles, catching the pillow and throwing it besides me. 

I shake my head, sighing. "Okay. Let me shower and shit." 

Ethan nods, walking towards the couch.

"Help yourself to anything considering you helped yourself with entering my apartment while I was fucking sleeping." I tell him, shutting the bathroom door behind me before I could even hear his reply.


"Glad you finally decided to show up, Elena." Amy laughs as I walk into Marks apartment with Ethan besides me.

"I didn't know you guys were filming today." I say in my defense. 

Kathryn, Amy and I help Mark set up the cameras while Ethan and Tyler get ready for the video.

The boys decided to attempt baking cakes for the video and let me tell you, it was not pleasant. Though it was really funny watching them fail, horribly. 

"Ladies" Mark laughed. That was Amy, Kathryn and I's cue to start judging the cakes.

After tasting the horrific cakes, Kathryn, Amy and I decided on four categories: cake batter which no one won, most cake like which Tyler won that for having the most non offensive flavor, decoration which Mark obviously won because of the patriotic dick idea and the last category was overall winner which Ethan won that because if we had to pick a cake to keep eating, we would eat his. (A/N holy shit that is a long run on sentence but fuck it, im not changing it)

Awhile later, we all decided to get take in and sleep over at Marks place. None of us felt like going home and since it was the weekend, I had no classes to attend. Plus, Ethan was my ride and he was too tired to drive anywhere. 

I found myself laying on Ethan and Mark; my head was in Ethan's lap while my legs were on Mark's lap. Amy was on the other side of Mark, Tyler was laying on the floor and Kathryn sat on the other side of Ethan. 

I enjoy nights like this, where we all enjoy each others company without doing anything eventful. These guys mean the world to me and I have no clue where I would be without them. 

My mind just went on and on, not even caring about the movie that was playing. I guess Ethan could tell my mind was all over the place because he started playing with my hair, considering he knows that helps calm me down when my thoughts get all over the place. 

My eyelids started to get droopy and before I knew it, I was asleep.



and writing

but thats besides the point.


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