Chapter 13

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"Mom! Dad!" I shout, running up to my parents and hugging them both.

"We missed you so much." My mom says.

"I missed you guys too." I reply, letting go of my parents to introduce them to Ethan. "This is Ethan." I motion over to Ethan.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Walsh." Ethan holds out his hand.

My mom pulls him into a hug rather than shaking his hand. "Please, Ethan, call me Lauren."

Ethan just simply smiles to my mom in reply.

"It's finally great to meet you Ethan! But please, call me Miles rather than Mr. Walsh. It just makes me feel old." My dad laughs.

Ethan laughs as we start walking back to the car.

As my dad drives through my old town, I think about how much I actually missed this place. Even though a lot of bad things happened to me here, it's still the place I grew up in and I love it here.

"Is this where you grew up?" Ethan asks.

I smile. "Indeed it is, Ethan."

"It's a really nice town."

"Half of it is rich, might I add. But, this is just the town I grew up in. My house is in a smaller town four miles away."

Ethan gives me a confused look.

"I went to school here, except for elementary school. When people ask where I live, I say here because it is much well known then where my house is. Plus, all of my friends are here and not where my house is. It's really hard to explain but I consider here and where my house is, my town."

Ethan nods, "I sorta get it?"

I shrug. "Where my house is, there's five bars, an elementary school, a small lake, a gas station and a small store. Here there's multiple stores, places to eat, four schools, a huge lake and more. I like it here better, personally."

"We like it here too, hunny. It's just really expensive to get a house like we have now, here." My mom says.

About twenty minutes later, we arrive home.

"I missed it here." I breathe out.

My parents get our bags from the car and follow Ethan and I to the door.

Before I could even open the door, my little sister opens the door.

"Elena!" Maddie squeals, "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Mads." I say, hugging her.

"Who's this?" She questions, looking over at Ethan.

"I'm Ethan, Elena's friend." Ethan answers before me. He smiles.

"He's cute." Maddie winks at me. Ethan laughs.

"Madison Belle!" My mom hisses.

Before Maddie could even say anything else, Mikey practically pushes her out of the way.

"Elena! I'm so happy you're home!" Mikey engulfs me into a hug.

"I missed you too, Mikey." I laugh.

"You need to come home more." He lets go of me.

"Yeah, I know." I breathe out.

Mikey looks over at Ethan. "Holy shit! You're CrankGameplays!"

Ethan nods and laughs.

"Yeah, I forgot to mention my brother is a huge fan of you, Mark, Felix and Sean." I chuckled.

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