Chapter 10

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i just booked our flights.

we don't leave for another two weeks though??

i got bored so i booked them.

ofc you're bored.

woah, calm down there buddy.

come over.

say no more. omw.

Ethan walks into my apartment no more than fifteen minutes later.

"Honey I'm home!" He shouts.

I laugh.

"What are you making?" Ethan questions.


"No shit, sherlock. What are you making for dinner?" 

"Food." I smirk knowing I'm probably aggravating him with my smart ass replies.

"If you don't stop with these smart ass replies, I will-" 

I cut him off, "Are you threatening me, Nestor?" 

He nods, smirking.

"What are you going to do if I don't stop with my smart ass replies?" I raise my eyebrows.

"You'll just have to see then, won't you?" Ethan laughs.

I shake my head.

"So what are you making?" He asks once more.


Ethan smiles at me. "I bet it'll be delicious." 

"I expect it to be decent, not delicious." 

"You're actually a great cook." 

"Thanks, I guess?"

Ethan shrugs and sits down at the island while I make us each a bowl.

"Smells good." Ethan adds.

I shrug, taking a seat next to Ethan and giving him his bowl of food. 

"Thanks El." Ethan leans over and kisses me on my cheek.

I smile, feeling my face getting hot. "You're welcome my blue boy." 

Ethan smiles.

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