Chapter 35

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August 11, 2018

Today officially marks one whole year with the love of my life. I hit the jackpot when it comes to men.

Ethan is the best boyfriend I could ever ask for and he treats me so fucking well.

Being with Ethan is a dream come true. All of my life, I have been wishing for the "perfect" boyfriend and God decided to gift me one. Ethan, though, is far beyond perfect.

I am so utterly in love with him it is pathetic. Honestly, without him, I have no idea where I would be right now.

Within the past year, Ethan and I have decided to move in together. It is nothing big, actually. I just ended up moving in with him considering I was over at his place most of the time, anyway. My brother still lives at the apartment so I can move back anytime I needed.

For our one year, I decided to adopt a puppy. Ethan has been recently talking about how much he wants a dog, so I went and got one. It's been hard trying to keep it a secret for the past 24 hours. Ethan is going to be so happy.

I convinced Mark to make up some story to why he needed Ethan this morning so I could get everything ready before Ethan got home.

Thank god Tyler let the puppy stay the night with him. I don't know how I could possibly hide the fact that a dog was in the house for a day.

I quickly change into the summer dress Ethan is obsessed with and slip on my pair of Birkenstocks before heading out the door.

Tyler's house is only about a 3 minute drive from mine and Ethan's.

"Thank you so much, Ty. I owe you." I say to him once I get to his house.

"It's no problem, El. You know I'd do anything for you." He smiles.

I smile back, "So where's my dog?"

"Asleep on my bed." I follow Tyler into his room.

"He is so cute." Tyler coos, "Ethan is gonna fall in love with him."

"Oh, I know." I giggle. "He's gonna love the dog more than he's gonna love me."

Tyler rolls his eyes. "Doubt it."

I carefully pick my dog up and cradle him in my arms.

"I better get going." I tell Tyler. "I need to beat Ethan home."

"Yeah, yeah." He gives me a side hug.

"Thank you again, Tyler. You're a lifesaver."

"Anything for you, El." He smiles.

I smile back at him before turning around and walking out the door.

"Let's get home, buddy." I coo at my dog as I put him in the front seat.

on my way home. cant wait to kiss you.

cant wait to kiss you, either. :)


I speed home, making it in about 2 minutes instead of 3. Oops.

I cradle my dog as I run inside to the couch. Amy gave me the idea to be sitting under a blanket with the dog when Ethan gets home. He won't suspect a thing.

I lay my dog on my lap before getting a blanket and draping it over my legs but not before sliding off my sandals at the door.

Thankfully, I had about 3 minutes to spare before Ethan arrived home, giving me enough time to find my favorite show on tv and put it on.

"SVU, again, babe?" Ethan laughs as he walks through the door.

"Duh." I smile.

"Happy one year, girlfriend." Ethan says as he walks over to me and sits besides me.

"Happy one year, boyfriend." I lean over to kiss him.

I feel the dog start to move around on my lap.

thank god ethan closes his eyes

Quickly, I left my leg up so Ethan can no longer potentially see the movement from under the blanket.

"Ethan, I have a surprise for you." I giggle between kisses.

"Oh, yeah" He wiggles his eyebrows, "I like where this is going."

"Ethan!" I laugh as I smack his shoulder.

He laughs.

"Okay. Close your eyes." I say.

He closes his eyes.

"Don't open until I tell you to." I tell him.

He nods.

I quickly change my position to face him and cradle the dog in my arms.

"Okay" I say. "Open."

Ethan opens his eyes. "YOU GOT A DOG!" He shouts excitedly.

"That I did." I laugh.

"It's so fucking cute, El! You know how much I love German Shepherds." Ethan says as he takes our dog from my arms.

"That's why I got him. I was lucky to find him at the shelter." I smile.

"ITS A BOY!" Ethan shouts, again, excitedly.

"I haven't named him yet. You can name him, though."

"No. You name him. I want you to name him." Ethan looks at me.

"Okay." I nod.

I love Stranger Things and I think the perfect dog name would be Hopper. Though, I've always wanted a dog named Charlie.

"Either Hopper or Charlie. You pick." I smile widely.

"Charlie fits him the best, don't you think?" Ethan asks. We both look at our puppy.

"Yeah. It sure does."

"Charlie Hopper Nestor. Our new child." Ethan giggles.

My heart is so full.

"Happy anniversary, baby. I love you." I tell Ethan.

"I love you, more." He replies, kissing me.


long time no see! its been abt two years since the last chapter. how is everyone? i saw a baby german shepherd at walmart today and i about died. gave me some inspo.

i miss writing! i havent been writing at all. whenever i find something good to write, i think its horrible and then get writers block.

hope this is a good chapter!!

miss you guys.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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