Chapter 21

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On August 1st, 1991 at 9:51am, my best friend was born. Even though I'm five years younger then him, our bond is still very strong. Josh, my brother, is the most understanding person I know. I can go to him for anything and I know he'll help me. Josh and I were attached to the hip for the longest time. Shit, we even slept in the same bed together for a couple of years. 

My mom woke everyone up at 9 o'clock this morning, except Josh, so we can go wake him up at 9:51 with singing happy birthday. 

My siblings, Ethan and I are sitting on the couch while my parents make breakfast. We all agreed on watching Drake and Josh, for once. 

When I was still living at home, we would always fight over the TV. Even though we each have a TV in our own rooms, we like sitting in the living room more for some reason. That's why my parents put a TV in the basement. My dad always says that the living room TV is for them and the basement TV is for us. I think it's just an excuse to get the TV to himself, honestly.

"What do you have planned for today, mom?" I ask as I walk to the kitchen and wrap my arms around my mom. 

"Well we're throwing Josh a surprise birthday party tonight." My mom replies.

"Oh cool! Who's all coming?"

"Some of Josh's friends as well as family." 

"All of our family?"

My mom nods.

"Shit, that's a lot." I laugh.

"Watch your damn language, young lady." My dad jokes.

"You taught me everything, Dad. This is on you." I giggle.

He smirks. "Oh really, Eleanor?" 

"Stop." I whine. "I hate the name Eleanor." 

"Okay, that's it." My dad throws me over his shoulder. 

"DAD! PUT ME DOWN!" I yell, laughing. 

"NEVER!" He shouts. 

My dad runs around the couch where Maddie, Mikey and Ethan all laugh hysterically. He keeps this up for a good two minutes before he sets me back down next to Ethan.

"That's enough physical exercise for the next year." My dad laughs as he rubs his lower back.

"I relate, Dad. It's okay." I giggle

"I see where you get it now." Ethan jokes. 

"Shut up." I playfully punch Ethan's shoulder. 

He laughs and shakes his head. 

"Come on, guys. Let's go wish Josh a happy birthday!" My mom says, walking over to the basement door.

We all get up from the couch and follow her down to Josh's room.

I quietly laugh as I hear Josh snore, quite loudly might I add. 

When the clock hit 9:51, we all barged in and sang happy birthday as loudly as we could.


Josh groans. "Yes, I realize I'm 26. Can y'all shut up now?" 

"Joshua Anthony Walsh. Get your god damn ass upstairs and eat the breakfast I made just for you." My mom rips off his blankets.

"Give me a couple minutes to wake up?" Josh asks, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes.

My mom nods. "Sure. Be up in 10?" 

Josh agrees and we all pile out of his room and head upstairs.

Ethereal | e.nOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz