Chapter 16

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"It's beautiful." Ethan says, looking at the beautiful lake that stood in front of us.

"I know." I reply. The sun was just now setting so beautiful oranges, pinks, red and yellows filled the sky.

"Is it like this very night?" 

I nod. "For the most part."

We stay silent for a couple of minutes before I speak up.

"You know, a majority of the people that was effected in the Great Chicago Fire, came here. The rich ones even built mansions on the lake." I tell Ethan.


I nod. "Do you want to go get some fro-yo?" 

"Of course."

A little while later Ethan and I are back on the beach, except with our fro-yo. The sun had just set and we were relying on the street lamps that surrounded us for light. 

It feels so relaxing sitting here with Ethan, eating fro-yo and while listening to the waves. 

"I really like it here." Ethan says, breaking the silence.

"Me too." I smile. "If I ever find the right person, I would want to raise a child here. The schools are great and I want a good education for my child. But then again, L.A is my home now. My friends are my home."

"Do you think you've already met the right person?" 

I shrug. "I'm not entirely sure yet. I mean, I'm in no rush to settle down yet."

Ethan looks a bit hurt but quickly covers it up. "I know I met the right person but, I'm not sure if they feel the same way."

"Who is it?" I ask, shoving a spoon full of fro-yo in my mouth.

He shrugs. "I'm not ready to tell anyone yet."

"Does she know?" 

Ethan shakes his head. "At least I don't think so."

I make a mental note to talk to Amy about this later. 

"What else do you have planned for this week?" Ethan asks.

I shrug. "You're going to meet my best friend that I've known since I was born. That's all I know for sure."

Ethan nods. "I bet she's great."

"She is." I smile, recalling the many memories we have had together.

"I really want to go to Chicago, though." 

"Then we'll go to Chicago. Just you and me." 

Ethan smiles. "You're the bestest friend ever, Elena."

I giggle and shake my head. "I'm no where near the bestest friend ever." 

"You're an amazing friend Elena. Anyone that knows you well enough will back me up on this." 

I sigh. "But you haven't seen me when I'm mad at someone yet. I can do some pretty scary shit."

"I don't care what anyone else says. You're the bestest fucking friend ever and nothing can and will change my mind about that." Ethan stares at me.

"Fine." I give in, letting Ethan win this fight.

Ethan smiles. "Lets start walking back to the car, yeah?" 

I nod.

Once Ethan and I were back home, I found ourselves laying in my room watching Netflix as usual. 

ethan asked me if i found the right guy yet. i said that i'm not sure yet and he looked a little hurt. HELP

omg. did he say if he found the right girl or not?

yes. he said he found the right girl. i asked him who but he wouldn't tell me. 

tHaT iS a HiNt, gO gEt HiM TiGeR


but i'm serious, do it soon. you guys would be adorable together. 

meh. whatever you say.

i bet you $20 that you guys will get married.


i'm screenshotting this and when you guys get married, you gotta say "amy was right" in your vows to him. okay?

deal, because it won't happen. 

whatever you say babes.


hey so i'm going to try to get out a second chapter tonight but i wont be able to upload until maybe monday night because i'm going with my aunt and cousin on a trip to chicago. i can maybe find a way to write but no promises. y'all probably don't even care lmao


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