Chapter 20

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yes babes

ethan kissed me

HE DID?!?!?!??!??!

lol yea. funny story actually.

do indeed tell

so we were talking around in the park right, and i was telling him how if i didnt go to school in L.A then i would be going to school in Chicago. he was saying how hes happy i picked L.A bc our friendship means the world to him and how im the best thing that has happened to him since he moved to L.A. then i kinda blurted out that i was in love with him by accident since i didnt know what else to say. i started apologizing and he was like don't apologize bc i can do this now. AND HE KISSED ME.

awww thats cute :))

ik!!! but i gtg, ethans coming back from taking pictures of the bean. i decided to sit down after i took a couple of pics since i've seen it before so the charm is kinda wearing off lol

ok!! have fun!!

will do!

I watched Ethan as he walked back over to me. After Ethan kissed me, we just started walking towards the Bean like it never happened. I still have butterflies from the kiss. It was everything I ever imagined. Well, I didn't really imagine kissing Ethan that much but I've read fanfiction so, that's kinda self explanatory. 

"Where to next, El?" Ethan asks as he takes a seat next to me.

"Food?" I suggest.

Ethan nods. "Where?"

I take a moment to think. "Well there's a Panera and Starbucks right across the street or we can take a taxi somewhere else. Your pick." 

"Panera sounds fine." Ethan smiles.

"I'm paying." I tell Ethan as we start walking towards Panera.

"Bet." Ethan laughs.

"Bet." I laugh as well.

Ethan shakes his head. "I'm the man so I think I should pay."

"Just let me pay, Ethan. You paid for the taxi." I whine. 

"Fine but I'm buying you something later." 


We were soon at Panera, eating our delicious food. 

Ethan was lucky enough to find a booth next to a plug-in so we could charge our phones a bit.

"So I'm thinking about leaving the day after Josh's birthday." I tell Ethan.

"That's fine. I recorded enough videos to last me until Monday." 

I shrug. "Its whatever you want to do, really. I just need to get back to L.A and find a job pretty quick here. I'm tired of having my grandparents paying for everything for me." 

"Well we can look online tonight." Ethan suggests.

I smile. "Okay."

Ethan stays quiet for a couple of minutes before he speaks up. "Hey El?"

"Yeah Ethan?" I look up at him.

"Would you like to help me edit some of my videos as well? I know you're really good at editing and you get it done pretty quick."

"Sure." I smile at Ethan. "No need to pay me, though."

Ethan nods. 

We leave Panera a couple minutes later, starting our journey down Michigan lane. 

Ethan and I go into multiple stores along the way and we buy some stuff, too. We even bought some stuff for Amy, Tyler, Mark and Kathryn. I just had to buy Josh, Maddie and Mikey each something as well. 

I'm not even kidding you when I say we went into almost every store, because we sure as hell did. Well, the stores that looked interesting to either of us. Like, I dragged Ethan into Sephora and Lush, which he wasn't too happy about but he dealt. 

Just as Ethan had said, he did buy me something. Actually, a lot of things. He bought me a couple of shirts and one dress from Forever21 in the Water Tower Place.

Right now, we're on our third attempt of finding a Water Taxi.

"They moved it around last time I was here." I groaned.

"Clearly.' Ethan chuckles.

"Lets hope its here." I say as we get closer to the entrance. 

"We're already missing the 5:35 train. We really don't need to miss the 6:35 train, too."

"That would not be good."

Ethan agrees.

Thankfully a couple minutes later, we found ourselves in line for the Water Taxi. 

Ethan and I were lucky enough to get a seat on the outside, in the way back.

"Ready?" I ask Ethan.

He nods. "I'm so ready." 

I couldn't remember the last time I've been on a boat. I'm pretty sure it was the last time I came to Chicago which was a while ago.


"I can't believe I was stupid enough not to get off by the Opera house." I groan as Ethan and I board the 8:35 train.

"It's okay, Elena. We'll be home in an hour." 

"But I wanted to be home sooner." I whine.

"Its okay. At least we're getting home." Ethan gives me a reassuring smile.

God damn, I'm so in love with this boy. 


my favorite wattpad author ended up updating towards the end and it kinda put me out of the mood of writing but i pushed myself so i apologize if it sucks. 


Ethereal | e.nTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon