Chapter 9

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"I missed you, El." Ethan says, hugging me.

"It was only a couple of days." I laugh, hugging him back. "But I missed you too."

We let go of each other a couple seconds later.

"How was your trip?" I ask while helping Ethan get his suitcases into my car.

"It was good. I didn't realized how much I missed Brian and G until I got there."

I smiled knowing Ethan enjoyed himself.

"Did you do anything while I was gone?" Ethan asks while I drive away from LAX.

"Not really. I just hung out with everyone, really. Nothing new." 

He nods, obviously in his own world now. 

After Ethan and I arrived at his apartment, we soon found ourselves playing a game of Mario Kart of the Nintendo Switch. 

Everyone else ended up coming over and we all just hung out. Mark ordered us all pizza while Ethan put on a movie.

Nights like these are especially common these days. Mark and Ethan usually record during the day so, we really don't get time with them unless we're doing a video that involves everyone. 

I'm totally okay hanging out at night rather then the day, though. I prefer staying in and just hanging out with everyone instead of going out and doing something together. We just like having each others company, really. 

"Hey guys?" I say, getting everyone's attention. "I've decided to go home for a week or two in about a month. Anyone who wants to tag along, can." 

"I'll go." Ethan smiles.

I smile back at Ethan.

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