Chapter 32

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I wake up from my nap to knocking at my door. Groaning, I get up and make my way to the door. To my surprise, Ethan was standing in front of my with a huge smile on his face and a bouquet of roses. Seeing him reminds me it's the 11th. It's been one month since Ethan asked me out. I can't believe I forgot!

"Happy one month baby." Ethan says, handing me the roses.

I smile and kiss Ethan. "Happy one month." 

"I'm taking you out so go get ready." He kisses me once more before stepping into my apartment and closing the door behind him.

I grin. "Where are we going??"

"Now that's a surprise, Elena." Ethan smirks.

I groan. "Fine. Let me shower real quick." 

Ethan nods and sits down on the couch. "I'll be here."

With that, I grab my speaker from my dresser and head into the bathroom.

A couple minutes later I find myself in a pair of light blue jeans and a simple white shirt that, thankfully, doesn't show too much cleavage. This is appropriate for a date, right? I mean, it's a bit cold out to wear a sundress. 

I hear laughter coming from the living room. Josh must be home.

"I hope this isn't too casual." I say to Ethan, stepping out of my room.

Ethan looks over at me and smiles. "That looks great." 

"If you say so." I blush, grabbing my pair of black Chelsea boots and putting them on. I'm channeling my inner Harry Styles, okay? 

"You look beautiful, baby sis." Josh tells me from the kitchen.

"This is something I would wear any other day." I giggle. "but thanks."

"Ready?" Ethan asks, standing up.

I nod. "Just let me grab my purse."

"Use protection!" Josh shouts from the kitchen as I grab my purse from my room.

"Fuck off." I laugh.

"Let's go." Ethan smiles as he opens the door for me.

"Thanks." I smile back at him.

"Are you excited to see Harry Styles live soon?" Ethan asks as we pull out of my apartment parking lot.

"Excited is an understatement." I giggle. "Thank you so much for getting us those tickets though, Ethan. You have no idea how much this means to me."

"Anything for you, Elena." Ethan grabs my hand and kisses the back of it.

I swear my organs almost fell out of my vagina, if that's even possible. 

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" I whine.

"That kinda defeats the purpose of it being a surprise, babe." Ethan laughs.

I groan. "You suck."

"You swallow." 

"It's my job to swallow." I smirk.

Ethan laughs.


"Remind me why you took me to a Pizza Hut again?" I laugh as I take a bite of my cheese pizza. 

"I honestly just wanted some pizza and I knew you loved Pizza Hut so, why not." Ethan shrugged.

"I still don't know how you could eat pizza with pineapple on it." I pretended to gag. "It's horrible."

Ethan groans ."If I wanted to get criticized by my pizza topping choice I would just go to Twitter." 

I giggle. "It's okay, babe. I suppose I love you anyway."

"Oh, you suppose?" Ethan pretended to look offended.

"Shut up and eat your disappointment of a pizza." 

Ethan just shook his head and laughed.

About an hour later, we were back in the car heading to god knows where. Ethan still wouldn't tell me anything about the whereabouts we are going. The sun was just now setting, painting the sky with beautiful hues of pinks, blues and oranges. This must be one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. 

"You know how you've said you've always wanted to walk alongside the shoreline with the sun setting besides you and the person you love, right?" Ethan speaks up, pulling into a parking lot that was besides a beach.

I nod, knowing where this is going.

"Well you're going to do that today." Ethan smiles.

I grin. "I love you."

Ethan leans over the console and kisses me. "I love you too, Elena."

We decide to leave our shoes in the car so we wouldn't get sand on them, obviously.

Ethan grabs my hand as we walk towards the water. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hope you know that."

I smile. "I never knew I could love someone this much until you came along." 

"I love you Eleanor Charlotte Walsh." Ethan says for the hundredth time tonight. I'm not complaining, though. I don't think I can ever get used to hearing those three words come out of his mouth.

"I love you too Ethan Mark Nestor."

The rest of the night consisted of laughter, pointless kisses that didn't seem so pointless to us and taking countless pictures so if we were ever to forget this night, we could always be reminded of amazing this was. 

I swear, this boy is going to be the death of me.

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