Chapter 31

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"You did great, Ethan!" I exclaim, hugging Ethan as soon as he enters our hotel room.

"It was really fun to do." Ethan beams, hugging me back.

"I bet. It looked really fun." I kiss his cheek before sitting back on the bed.

"How are you feeling? You still don't look great." Ethan frowns, feeling my head.

I groaned. "My looks probably reflect how I feel."

"Take some more medicine and I'll go run you a warm, bath. Okay?"

I nod, walking over to the desk where my medicine is. 

I've been sick with the flu for a couple of days now. Luckily, I'm not throwing up at all.

Ethan insisted on me staying home but I wanted to come with him to PAX. I wanted to be there for him when he did his first CrankGameplays panel. Which, I mean, I sorta was. I watched the panel on Twitch but it just wasn't the same, really.

"Your bath is ready!" Ethan called from the bathroom, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I pop the multiple pills into my mouth, washing them down with water before I walk into the bathroom with my speaker in hand.

"I even put a bath bomb in there for you." Ethan tells me.

"You're the best." I pull Ethan in for, yet again, another hug.

Ethan kisses my forehead. "I'll go get you some tea somewhere while you take a bath." 

"Thank you." I smile, fighting the urge to kiss him. He doesn't need to get sick as well. 

Ethan smiles in reply to me as he shuts the door.

After I connect my phone to the speaker and put on my desired playlist, I strip and step into the purple and pink colored water. Ethan always knew what I like best.

Somehow I ended up falling asleep because I woke up to Ethan's voice on the other side of the door sounding more frantic each time I didn't answer him. 

"I'll be out in a second!" I shout at the door, pulling the plug so the water can drain out.

I hear Ethan let out a relieved sigh over my music. 

After I change into the clothes Ethan set out for me, I lay down in bed next to him.

"Here's your tea, m'love." Ethan says, handing me a paper cup with the Starbucks logo on it.

"Thanks." I breathe out, taking a sip. Luckily, it was still very warm.

Ethan and I watch old reruns of Full House as I finish my tea. 

"Was it good?" He asks.

"Very" I nod, kissing his cheek after I set the empty cup on the end table.

Ethan grins as he pulls me over to him so we can cuddle.

"I love you" Ethan says into my head as he rubs my back.

"I love you too." I mumble back before I close my eyes.


just a lil filler since i suck at updating

may i warn you, my update schuedle is gunna be 50 shades of fucked up since my first day of high school is tuesday....yayyyy (note the sarcasm)


Ethereal | e.nحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن