Chapter 34

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It almost been 3 months since I've seen my idol in concert.

Harry Styles, man, is fucking amazing.

He put on a hella good show and I had the best time of my life there.

Today, December 11th, 2017 is Ethan and I's 4 month anniversary. 

It may not seem like a big deal to most. But, it means the world to me. 

These past four months have been the best four months of my life. 

You may ask why these specific four months have been the best. In which, I will tell you.

For starters, I'm dating the love of my life and I couldn't ask for more better friends. The business that I started, has taken off. 

Around two months ago, I had this customer that apparently had a lot of connections, really liked me and how fast I got things done. Long story short, a lot of people know about me now and it has gotten to the point where I have a couple of people working for me, out of an office I rented because the work got too much for just me.

"Baby?" Ethan's voice ran through my house.

Did I mention my brother and I bought a house last month, too? No? Oh. My aunt and uncle decided to help us out after learning about our living situation (thanks mom). 

"I'm in my room!" I yell from my bed.

Not even 10 seconds after I reply, Ethan appears at the door. 

"Why are you still in bed? Its 2:12, Elena." Ethan laughs, slipping under the covers next to me. 

I shush him. 

Ethan just shakes his head and chuckles.

We lay in complete silence for a while, just admiring each other. 

"You know, I like your hair like this." He smiles.

I smile back. "I know. You tell me that everyday, babe."

A couple days after the concert, I decided to dye my hair from this dark brown color to blonde. Funny story actually, I didn't tell anyone and later that night we were all going out to eat. Everyone started freaking out when they saw me. They were all telling me how much they liked it and how amazing I looked.

My hair was once brown and went down to about my mid-back. When I dyed it, my hair was completely this almost platinum blonde color and I decided to cut it to where it was just past my shoulders. Now, my brown roots are showing and my hair is just touching my boobs. 

"You're so fucking beautiful, El. You still take my breath away every time I see you like you did that first time I ever saw you." Ethan gushes.

I blush. "Are you just being all sappy because its our four month anniversary?" 

"Maybe." Ethan teases. "But seriously, Elena, I love you more each and every day and I can't imagine a life without you."

I pull Ethan in for a kiss, which was more harder than I thought it would be, considering we're laying down.

"I love you too." I tell Ethan, our foreheads touching.

We stay like that for a while, just staring into each others eyes and talking about what we should do tonight. 

Ethan and I agree on just staying in and watching movies while we drink whatever alcohol we decide to buy at the store, considering we're both finally 21.

I like those kinda nights, though. Where Ethan and I just stay inside and sit around in comfortable clothes and our glasses.

I told you I got glasses right? No..? Well, damn.

You missed out on the past couple of months.


heyheyhey!! its meeee, the bad author. 

i finally updated after about four months

sorry.. ive been dealing with stuff.

i hope you enjoyed this short chapter!

more to come soon.


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