Chapter 6

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"You should really come with me to Indy Popcon." Ethan says, trying to change my mind about going with him.

"Ethan" I whine, "I'm not going to come with you."

"Why not?"

"I'm not going to get in the way of you, G and Brian spending time with each other. You can see me anytime you want. Plus, you only see them a couple times a year." I smirk knowing that I won this one.

Ethan groans, "but G and Brian really want to meet you."

"And I will meet them."

"So you're coming with?"



"You're not getting the point, Ethan." I groan, falling back onto the couch. "I want you to enjoy yourself without having to worry about me. It's just a weekend."

"But I won't have to worry about you with you come with. I'll worry more if you're here and I'm there."

"Ethan. Stop. I'm not going with you." I shake my head.

"You irritate me." Ethan fixes his attention onto the tv.

"You think you don't irritate me?" I say under my breath, rolling my eyes.


Ethan leaves for Indy Popcon soon and I have to drive him to the airport. I don't mind driving him but all I'm going to hear is how I should catch the next flight to Indianapolis so I can hang out with him, G and Brian. He just doesn't understand that I want him to have fun without having to worry about me. Plus, Ethan doesn't get to see Brian and G a whole lot so, I want them to spend as much time together as possible.

Amy decided to come over so we can hang out and talk without anyone else around. We like to hang out as much as possible and living next to each other helps with that.

"So I heard you and Ethan slept in the same bed together." Amy teases.

I roll my eyes and laugh, "So? We have before. I don't know what your on."

She laughs, "I'm not on anything. I just see something you don't."

"And that something doesn't exist."

Amy rolls her eyes, "Yeah, sure."

"Its true." I shrug while taking a drink of my tea.

"You're so oblivious." She shakes her head.

"I'm oblivious to what exactly?" I narrow my eyes.

"You can't see that Ethan loves you."

"He loves me, just not in that way." I look down.

"See! You just looked down. It makes you sad that he doesn't love you in that way!"

"It doesn't make me sad. I'm able to feel feelings, you know."

"Apparently not." Amy mumbles into her coffee mug.

Before I could even think about replying a snarky comment, my phone goes off.

please tell me you're only 20 mins late because of traffic.

FUcK. i wish i could....i'm leaving right now.

i better not miss my flight.

i'll make sure you won't

"I'll be back in an hour Amy. I was supposed to pick Ethan up 20 minutes ago." I say, literally running out of the door with nothing but my phone and keys.

The door was already shut before she could even reply.

Here I am, in the middle of my apartment building parking lot, wearing an adult onesie with a pair of slippers on.

I made it to Ethan's apartment in record time. It usually takes about a good 15 minutes, depending on traffic but, I made it there in 5 minutes.

"You really weren't messing around when you said you'll make sure I wouldn't miss my flight." Ethan chuckles.

"Yeah, well, get your shit in my car so I don't have to speed so much."

Ethan obeys, literally throwing his suitcases into the back of my car.

"You should really slow down." Ethan says a short while later.

"Do you want to make your flight with extra time or not?" I shoot Ethan a glare.

"Calm down." Ethan places his hand on my knee. I feel myself relax under his touch.

I sigh, "Sorry for being such a shitty friend. I got caught up talking to Amy."

"You're not a shitty friend, Elena. People are allowed to make mistakes. We're all human after all."

"How did I get so lucky?" I shake my head remembering all of the bad things I've done in my past.

Ethan shrugs, "I think I'm the lucky one here."

I smile, looking over at Ethan for a second before looking back onto the road.

Ethan doesn't take his hand off of me knee. Instead, he moves his thumb in a circular motion on my knee. (A/N: i forgot what its actually called or how to describe it more lmao) I feel myself getting less and less tense when he does that.

Before we knew it, I was already saying goodbye to Ethan for the weekend.

"Have fun, Ethan." I say into his chest.

"Please don't do anything I wouldn't do." Ethan whispers into my ear. I knew what he meant. Ever since I told him what I used to do when I wasn't mentally stable, he's been more worried about me.

"I'm not going to do anything like that again, Ethan." I smile knowing he's still worried about that. He does care..

We pull away from the hug.

"You better go. I'll see when I pick you up when you get back, yeah?"

Ethan nods, "Love you."

I kiss him on the cheek, "Love you too."

He starts walking away, leaving me wondering how I'm going to get by without seeing him for a weekend.

But seriously, I cannot live a day without him.

He's my best friend after all.

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