Rainy Day

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So this is gonna be their first date... Enjoy. Also, OOC warning.
At first, it was just little drops of water landing on the sidewalk. Then more and more descended from the grey skies, and it soon became a torrential downpour. The entire car was dead silent, save for the faint hum of the engine and the thudding and squeaking of the windshield wipers. Hayoung sighed as her hands left the steering wheel and were placed on her lap. Outside, cars were lined up, wipers sweeping their windshields, jammed in the rainy whether. At this rate, it was going to take ages just to get back home. Then her phone buzzed.

I heard from the traffic news that there's probably gonna be a bad jam today. Hope you're not caught up in it.

Hayoung picked up her phone and typed back a reply.

False hope. I'll probably be back late.

Before she could even set down her phone, a new text message came in from Karma.

Well, try to make it back as soon as you can. There's a movie coming out, and I think you'd really like it.

Sorry, no promises.


No promises. Besides, it's not like you can't watch it at a later time.

But the tickets are cheapest today!

Hayoung had to smile at that. Leave it to Karma to want to pay for cinema tickets at their lowest possible prices. But she still couldn't promise him that she'd be back quickly enough to catch the movie. Even if she wasn't quick enough to, it wouldn't make any difference. She didn't really like watching superhero movies anyway. And Karma could always find another day to watch it. The sound of raindrops hammering against the car made her look up. While the texting conversation between her and Karma was going on, the raining outside had intensified. She leaned back in her seat, bracing herself to wait for an eternity before the rain cleared up. Her phone buzzed in her lap again.

Oi, you there Hayoung?


So, about the movie...

Is it another superhero movie? You know I don't really like those.

It's not. It's one of those murder mysteries. You like those, right?

If I didn't, would I have an entire bookshelf of murder mystery novels?

LOL. True.

Anyway, see you then!

Hayoung set down her phone. She still wasn't sure about watching the movie, as Karma's taste was a little more than questionable to her. On one hand, she considered asking him to go into detail about it, so she could properly verify whether she was going to watch Sherlock Holmes or Batman. Unfortunately, the jam didn't seem to be budging. It definitely looked like she was going to be stuck for eternity here. And today just had to be the day of their first date. She looked down at her dark grey sweater, dark wash jeans and black boots. Not exactly appropriate for a first date. She felt frustration build up within her insides as she stared at the rigid line of cars outside. She hoped she could at least get back in time to change into something else for the date before Karma came around to pick her up.

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