Kidnapped- Part 2

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Karma tapped his foot in frustration. Hayoung hadn't been answering any of his calls, and while she could just have been busy, he highly doubted Hayoung would be so occupied as to not even answer any of his calls in the morning. She always found a way to answer, or at least reply to his text messages every time. However, he shouldn't jump to conclusions. Maybe she was really busy, after all. But a nagging voice at the back of his head told him that wasn't at all the case. He'd went to her apartment earlier, and it had been locked. At any point that morning or last night, she must've went out, since her car wasn't in the parking lot either.

He'd heard about the mayor's reward for the capture of a mutant. It wasn't like him at all to be so generous to mere citizens, but the government had been on their toes lately, as mutants had seemed to be wiped off the face of the earth lately. You'd think they'd stop to consider that they might've just wiped mutants off the face of this earth themselves, since they hunt for them so much. Karma thought to himself as yet another radio newsreader announced the reward, and how no one had stepped up to claim it yet. Of course they haven't. How the hell are they supposed to when mutants  in this world don't randomly lose control of their powers and run around in spandex? He really didn't know how the government would be so stupid as to rely on sightings from normal people.

He took another sip of coffee and begin planning his next move. First, he had to find out where she'd went. If he could find Hayoung's car, then he'd have a bit of a lead as to where she went. He hadn't reported her disappearance to the police yet, as he doubted he could make a good case if he only had suspicions instead of evidence that something had happened to Hayoung. He set down his cup and made to leave the cafe for another round of playing detective. He checked his phone for any messages as to which he could find any clue as to where she went. He usually didn't like it when people would inform him about even the smallest things, but he felt that it would be helpful if Hayoung had left a message telling him she went out, even if it was just to the grocery store. He sighed. Guess there's some perks having a girlfriend who tells you everything. At least you'll know where she was last when she gets kidnapped or something.

He was about to exit the cafe when he bumped into someone. At first, he'd thought he'd made a wrong turn and walked into a mirror, as the young man right in front of him could be easily be mistaken for his reflection. It was only when he noticed the man's clothes he realised that he'd run into a completely different person.

"Sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." The man said good-naturedly.

"It's fine. I wasn't watching myself, either."

Kaage watched the red-haired man hastily exit the cafe. Could that be the girl's boyfriend? He smiled to himself. When she'd said 'similar', he'd never actually expected that they'd be practically identical. Still smiling, he made his way over to the counter to order a coffee.
Karma pressed down on the gas pump with all his might. He'd must've gone past the speeding limit, but it wasn't as if he'd cared now. His break was almost over, and he had to rush back to his office. Unfortunately, lunch was almost over, and other people were returning to their work as well. And so he was stuck in a jam. He felt like unleashing his anger at the nearest inanimate object, but he doubted it would help his situation. Hayoung was missing, and now he was late for work. Fate was really crapping on him today.

He reached the parking lot just short of two minutes before work actually started. Slumped in his seat, he stared at the mountain of paper on his desk as it it were a pile of waste. He knew being a bureaucrat wasn't easy, but the ridiculous amount of paperwork he was constantly contending with was starting to get on his nerves. He swore he'd spotted a couple of white hairs in his bathroom mirror, and he was only twenty-three! He'd plucked the hairs out, but Hayoung had known, in her own mysterious way. Speaking of her, she still hadn't replied to any of his messages. By this time, she should be at work, but would probably have time to reply to his messages... Something was seriously wrong. He decided to investigate again after work.

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