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So instead of the happy, light-hearted one shots I usually write, this one's gonna have a bit of a dark turn, and will be in two parts (this seems to be more of a two shot...). I might not live up to your standards when it comes to this kind of stuff, but enjoy anyway! Muahahahahahahahahahaha! (I do not know why I just did that, please ignore me)
She couldn't see anything.

However, she could feel the tiny splinters of a hard wooden floor against her back, and the rough ropes rubbing into her wrists. She could feel the rag tied over her eyes and the gag stuffed in her mouth. She tried to turn, but it seemed her legs, which were numb until this point, were bound as well. Hayoung took a steady, deep breath, and tried to gather her bearings. Judging by the musty, sour smell that wafted about her nostrils, this was a place that wasn't frequently used. Hayoung wrinkled her nose. Nor is it cleaned often, if at all. Her knit sweater protected her against the jarring chill, but it wasn't what she was worried about as of now.

It had fully dawned on her that she'd been kidnapped. She didn't know why, how, or even when. Struggling against the urge to fall unconscious, she tried to recollect what happened. Try as she might, the only thing she could recall was the point of a cold needle sinking into her neck. Apparently she'd been out cold since then. She was about to slip into unconsciousness when the sounds of several heavy footsteps arrived. From what she could hear, there were at least three or four people gathered around her. A foot nudged her in the ribs, followed by the deep grunt of a man's voice.

"Who's the idiot who decided it was good idea to tranq her every ten minutes?"

So that was why she felt so woozy. Tranquillisers. And if what she heard was correct, she was routinely tranquillised in regular intervals. Another voice, also a man's, spoke up.

"What if she suddenly woke up?"

"You shitting me? The tranq's strong enough to keep her out cold long enough to get through everything we need! This ain't chloroform, dude!"

"So we just get her over and get the money, then?" Another man's voice said.

Hayoung stiffened. These people, whoever they were, were dangerous. They seemed to be bounty hunters, who would easily hand her over to anyone equally, if not more dangerous. And she still had to recall what the hell happened to her. The first voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah. Pretty easy, innit?"

"Yeah... Stealing the stuff, not so much."

"Quit complaining! We've got what we need now, all we have to do is show Arashi when he gets back!"

"Hah... You think he'd actually approve? He seems to be pretty dang interested in those mutant's right's thingies on TV, and since we have one over here, he'd probably not like it much..." The second voice trailed off uncertainly.

"Yeah, and I'm Jesus Christ. Were you born yesterday or something? You haven't forgotten what the guy does for a living, have you?"

"Duh, what kind of hitman would he be if he had any compassion at all?" The third voice jeered.

"Did I hear someone mention my name?" A fourth voice, far smoother than the other gruff ones she'd heard so far, were accompanied by soft footfalls against the wooden floor. The room went silent. They stopped at her, and she heard the voice speak again.

"What's this? Why do we have a girl in here?"

"See here, Arashi. You heard about the mayor's reward money for anybody who catches a mutant, right?" There was a pause, in which Hayoung assumed the owner of the fourth voice had agreed non-verbally. "So we thought we'd give it a go, see what we can scrape up."

One-Shot Collection (Karma Akabane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now