Themed One Shot: Kronos (Part 2 to part 2, if that even exists.)

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Jeez, I kinda feel like I should probably put this into a separate book entirely so it doesn't clog up the other one-shots here. Whatever, here's part 2 of part 2, the part you've been waiting for, so sit back and enjoy.
Hayoung weaved through the swarm of news reporters as they surged forward, holding out microphones and shouting half-asked questions that were almost always interrupted by another question by a different reporter.

"What do you think...?"

"Blackjack, do you think that recent events have any connection to the supervillain that appeared a month ago?"

"Blackjack, who...?"


There was another hostage situation involving another bomb, which was eerily similar to the one that they'd dealt with a month ago. Karma was feeling too ill to come to the scene with her, so she was missing her usual partner. She'd never appreciated how comforting his presence was until now, facing an army of reporters peppering her with questions she didn't know how to answer. Unfortunately, the hero that did come onto the scene was none other than the arrogant blond-haired hero from Takemi's company, whose debut mission, a previous hostage-bomb situation had stirred major publicity and immediately made him skyrocket in popularity. Currently, he was addressing the reporters, tossing his blond hair every few minutes.

"As I said, the villain responsible will be apprehended soon. All the hostages are safe, there will be no need to worry."

"Electron, how did you manage to disable the bomb so quickly?"

Hayoung rolled her eyes as he launched into a preposterously inaccurate version of events, which involved her pleading for his help with the bomb and exaggerated descriptions of how he used his electrokinesis to disable the bomb. To his credit, he did finish disabling the bomb, and helped evacuate the hostages somewhere safe, but definitely not to the level of grandiosity Electron was currently relaying to the attentive reporters. Meanwhile, some of the reporters were absolutely determined to get anything they could out of her, jabbing their mics in her face and getting far too close for comfort. Gently pushing them aside telekinetically, Hayoung managed to get through and use her telekinesis to lift herself away from the scene.

When she stepped into the van that brought her here, something seemed off. But before she could grasp what it was, a arm with the girth of a python was around her neck, and a handkerchief doused in chloroform was clapped over her nose and mouth. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that her driver was lying unconscious on the floor, blood trickling down his temples. Hayoung acted quickly— driving the heel of her boot into her attacker's foot, he let out a cry of pain and released her. She tore the chloroform napkin away, and threw her attacker across the van. Two more men emerged, seemingly out of nowhere, and made to seize her. Telekinetically, she sent them shooting up to the ceiling of the van headfirst. The men collapsed to the floor like sacks of potatoes and moved no more. Hayoung turned to check on her driver, but a blur of purple coiled itself tightly around her.

At first, she thought this was some sort of trap set out by the intruders, until a face slathered in thick clown makeup at the end of a stretched out neck grinned at her. The bleached blonde hair tied in two hair buns immediately gave her away as the talkative girl at the Graduates Reception. It turned out the coils holding her weren't some sort of contraption, but the girl's body, clad in a sequinned purple costume like a circus performer's. The more Hayoung struggled, the tighter the coils became, to a point when she thought she might suffocate.

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