Themed One Shot: Superheroes

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Soooo... I'm back with a themed one shot for this March. Of course, the reason why I haven't been updating all month was more or less because of my exams, which lasted two whole weeks and I was a bit caught up in studying (kinda true but not really). So now that my holiday is here, I can spare more time to write! Yay!
"No, no, please..."

A woman, her face contorted in fear and a mixture of tears and mascara running down her face stared glassily at a large figure above her, a gun pressed to her head. Her wrists and ankles were bound, and she'd been forced into an uncomfortable kneeling position with her hands behind her back. Before she could plead any more, a gag was stuffed into her mouth and she was left to whimper and sob.

"Come on now, you're scaring the poor girl."

A voice, lofty and nonchalant spoke from the shadows. The man holding the gun to the woman's head gave a start, but relaxed as he recognised the voice and backed away from her.

It'd seemed like a normal day before, and everyone in the building was about to go home when a man dressed in a bright green suit barged in with numerous burly masked men and held them all hostage. The office was littered with overturned tables and chairs and various stationery that had been thrown across the room, all remnants of their attempts to fight back or escape the building. Somehow the man had gotten past the alarm systems that would've alerted nearby superheroes to come onto the scene. All their phones had been confiscated, and they were all divided into neat little groups of five that all the masked bodyguards could watch over. The green-suited man was seated in a swivelling office chair, currently examining a USB. He could've been very handsome, if not for the hideous burn scars that stretched one side of his face into a disturbing, clownish grin. He tossed the USB aside, seeing it of no use to him.

Another masked man approached him. "Boss?"


"If you don't mind me asking, why are holding these people hostage? Shouldn't we be aiming for the CEO's floor instead of here. Makes more sense for me, y'know."

"Well, if you don't agree with my methods, I can always let you go."

The masked man gulped. He'd been around the green-suited man long enough to know what 'letting someone go' meant. "Of course I agree, boss."

"Good to know. Now go back to your batch. Wouldn't want them wriggling free when your back's turned."
"Class C monster in the Shibuya district, by the Shibuya station. All nearby superheroes are requested on the scene."

"Already? I haven't even got my costume on." Karma groaned as placed his palm against the scanner. A panel slid open, revealing his costume in a plexiglas case.

He heard a disgruntled sigh across the room and turned to see Hayoung looking at her revealing black leather costume on display in its case, consisting of only a zip-up black bodysuit, fishnets and thigh-high boots with a small pouch strapped to one of the thighs for storage. Of what, Karma could not fathom, as the pouch looked like it could barely contain a cell phone.

"So... I'm guessing that proposal didn't go well?"

Hayoung opened her case and took her costume. "No shit. They told me my design was too bland. They said it's for public appeal... More like an excuse for people to gawk at my arse."

Karma sighed and opened his case, containing a much more practical red ensemble with a magnificent cloak over it all. "Let's just get our costumes on."

One-Shot Collection (Karma Akabane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now