Karaoke Bar

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated this for a while, but I was stuck on ideas for one-shots, and I was also working on a another story involving Karma and Hayoung (Yeah, totally not going on an anime binge). So yeah, I hope you enjoy this one.
Hayoung stared at Karma with questioning eyes. "What do you mean, we're not going home yet?"

It had been a perfectly normal sort of day. Hayoung and Karma went to work, had lunch together, and now, they were having dinner together before going back home. Except that they weren't.

"Hey, it's almost the weekend and I need a little celebration."

Hayoung raised an eyebrow. "You kidding? You could've just asked your colleagues to hang out at some bar."

Karma flashed her a cheeky smile. "Yeah? Won't you get worried I'd get drunk? And Ayana might be there..."

Hayoung clenched her jaw at the thought of Karma's two-faced secretary. "On second thought..."

Karma's smile widened. "I thought so. So, you wanna go out and have a bit of fun before we go home?"


"A karaoke bar."


"Seriously? Have you been living under a rock? No offence, of course. But how have you been enjoying life all this time?"

"I sit down and read a nice novel."

Karma couldn't believe her. For someone who was skilled in five kinds of martial arts, wore sharp suits 24/7 and was generally an all-round cool-as-a-cucumber-person, Hayoung had such a boring hobby. Karma however, was undeterred and was preparing to let Hayoung have the time of her life at the karaoke bar he'd picked out for the both of them tonight. Not that she'd show it. Karma signalled the waiter for the bill, and turned back to Hayoung.

"So, you in?"

She pushed her hair back and looked back at him. "I could give it a go."

The waitress had arrived at their table. Karma settled the bill and turned back to Hayoung as the waitress left.

"Alright, let's get going."

Outside the restaurant, rain was heavily poring down the sky in torrents. It was quite a relief, after the extremely hot afternoon Hayoung had to drive in. Karma cursed.

"What? You didn't bring an umbrella?"

"Wha-- you didn't read my mind or something, right?"

"It's raining. And you parked the car all the way across the street. You don't have an umbrella with you either. It's not hard to connect the dots."

Karma cursed again, but this time at himself for being so idiotic. He looked at Hayoung, who didn't have an umbrella with her either.

"What do we do now?"

Hayoung winced. "Did the weather forecast say it was going to rain today?"

"Uh... I didn't listen. Sorry?"

Hayoung removed her coat and draped it over her head. "Guess we'll have to make a run for it."

One-Shot Collection (Karma Akabane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now