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*slow clapping* Well played, Ash. Well played. Good on you for tagging me with this hella complicated thingy, you arse. How the hell am I supposed to find 28 people to tag, anyway?

Whatever, more on that later. Let's just get to it. So, the rules for the tag are:

1. Mention whoever tagged you.

Ash_The_Dash. There, done.

2. Do it in less than three days.

Well, what d'ya know? I'm doing it right now.

3. Tag 28 people.

Sorry, but I'm just gonna skip this one. I simply do not have enough people to tag.

4. List ten things about yourself.

At this point, I'm pretty sure I've run out of things to talk about, but let's get to it anyway.

1. I want to see a fortune teller one day just for shits and giggles.

2. I talk to myself. A lot.

3. I just learned how to braid my hair only this year. *slow clap*

4. I have an aversion to medical facilities for no reason at all.

5. I'm an atheist. Or at least, I'm trying to be. My mother is really religious and I go to a Christian school.

4. I'm bilingual.

5. I have earned two English/Literature awards from two different schools.

6. I'm a huge worrywart.

5. I absolutely hate the idea of dating while in school. Seriously, I'm too young for this!

6. I'm horrible at explaining things. It doesn't help when I also can't really talk in front of people as well.

7. I can listen to any kind of music except EDM. That gave me a headache once.

8. I was homeschooled for two years, and I learned more in those two years than the entirety of school ever taught me.

9. My doctor thought I was twenty when I first met him (I'm fifteen).

10. I used to get in trouble over uncompleted homework (which I'll have y'all know I'm still bitter about).

Well, now that we've struggled to the end of this list, next!

5. Tell a joke.

I give lame jokes a seal of approval (I totally did not pluck this off google).

Okay, the comedy segment's over, let's move on.

6. Write a spoiler for one of your stories.

Uh... Haru's gonna attempt to kill Korosensei soon. Soon...

7. Put these rules in your tag.

Well, where d'ya think they've been all this time, genius?

So that's all. I'll see you guys soon... Or not. Byeeeee!


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