Themed Oneshot: Tokyo Ghoul AU

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Alright, this time I'm gonna try adding something different to this one-shot collection. Occasionally, I'll write a themed one-shot, like this Tokyo Ghoul theme. Also, I drew that myself. Feel free to start ragging on the terrible colouring job, guys! Anyway, enough about my art, let's get to the story! Brace yourselves everybody, cause' here comes Tokyo Ghoul!
Crime scene tape surrounded a small part of the street. Doves surrounded and patrolled the area, making sure that no curious passerby came around to investigate. A large crystal, dark blue at its base and fading into a pale blue, glowed softly. The crystal contained the figure of a large, broad shouldered man wearing a spiky mask, long dead. This man was none other than the Maniac Ghoul, known for his brutality and sadistic methods of killing. Now, in the strangest turn of events, he was the one killed, suffocated to death in his airtight crystal cocoon. The Doves had been working for hours at the crystal, attempting to extract the body, but to no avail. The cocoon was firmly cemented onto the ground, and the crystal itself was unbreakable, no matter how much force was applied. The only other time they'd seen this diamond-like crystal was on one other incident, where yet another ghoul had been killed. The Vampire Ghoul was only identifiable by her fanged mask, since her body was already rotting when the CCG came around to investigate. She had been impaled through the neck, chest and stomach by the same crystals they were seeing now. It didn't take a genius to see that these killings couldn't possibly be the work of anything else but a ghoul.
"Sorry, the number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable."

Karma cursed. He'd been trying to call Hayoung several times already, but none of them connected. Running a hand through his hair frustratedly, he pocketed his phone and made his way out of the office building. She'd agreed to meet with him for dinner as usual, but for some weird reason, she wasn't getting his messages or his calls. She never turned off her wi-fi whenever she was out of the house. Usually, he wouldn't think anything of it if she wasn't replying to his messages. But she always picked up when he called her, regardless of whatever was occupying her at that moment. Maybe she's in a meeting and had to silence her phone. Karma tried to ease his worry, but a nagging feeling at the back of his head told him that it wasn't the case at all.

He entered the nearby Italian restaurant where he and Hayoung frequented and had a seat. He was slightly out of place, with his sharp pinstriped navy suit and ironed tie. Their regular waiter, a young man with a bit of a nervous stammer arrived at his table to take his order. Karma ordered a risotto; as the waiter jotted down his order, he noticed that Hayoung wasn't with him.

"Mister, I don't mean to sound nosy, but where's your girlfriend?"

"She got stuck in traffic." Karma lied.

The waiter nodded, satisfied with the answer. He went back towards the kitchen, and Karma was left alone with his thoughts again. He didn't really know what else to do, so he just stared at the red checkered tablecloth. How dearly he wished his lie was true. If it was only a simple case of getting stuck in traffic, Hayoung would've told him, whether through text or call. And so far, he hadn't received any of the two. His risotto arrived, but his thoughts occupied so much he could barely taste it. He could be eating soggy paper and there wouldn't be a difference. All this while, he observed the door, expecting Hayoung to be walking in a any second. However, all he got were pangs of disappointment, and more worry. Something was definitely wrong.

As soon as he paid the bill, he speed-walked out of the restaurant, breaking into a run as he headed towards a more secluded part of the city, with no real destination in mind. All he cared about was finding Hayoung, no matter how half-assed his search was as of right now. Realising that nothing could be achieved by just blindly running about, he decided to ask passerby if they had seen Hayoung, but turned up nothing. He felt like all the worry, panic and anxiety was going to explode out of him. Unwilling to accept defeat, he approached a man smoking by a street light.

One-Shot Collection (Karma Akabane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now